rAindroppy illuminAtion...
googLe imAge for "rAin lAmp posT nighT" - 1sT hiT.
the rAindropz weRe orAngy...
the rAindropz weRe reddisH...
the rAindropZ weRe greenisH...
az i wAlked hoMe, i noticed the differenT coloRed rAindropz fAlling continuouzlY beneAth any streeT lAmp i cAme acrozZ....
i finAlly wAz neAr my hoMe...theN i stopPed and looKed righT uP at the lAmp posT juZ beside chApel (mY townhouZe)...and enjoYed how unstoppAble the orAngy rAindropz were........
theY were fAlling.......juZ fAlling - thoughtlezzlY.
witH rAindropz trinklinG gentlY downwArdz on my fAce, i reAlized......i enjoY beinG showeRed in the teArz of heAven... <3
rAindroppy illuminAtion...