Saturday, February 24, 2007

reefwAlk @ Kusu Island

Lu Qun jio-ed me to joiN in thiZ ReefWalk organized by the Blue Waters Volunteerz lAst weeK...and the triP to KuSu Island waz scheduled to be on Chu1 Er4...the 2nd Lunar Day of the yeAr (19 Feb 2007)!!

Kusu Island Top View

we visiTed the North Lagoon on the petiTe Kusu islAnd.......whicH wAz mythicAlly beliVed to hAve morpHed from a giAnt turtLe, which sAved 2 guyz decAdez ago from a seA storM....the Chinese guy built a temple, and the Malay guy built a shrine as gifts of thAnkz.... ; )

anywAy, the ideA and purpoZe was to wAlk oN the Lagoon and observe the corAlz and orgAnismz scAttered over during low tide!!! and my interestinG journeY thuZ beguN.....

the overvieW....

tooK mAcro shotZ witH my deArest olympuZ hahAa....and i am v v v sAtisfied with the shotZ!!!!!! see....:

thiZ iz a snAil tryinG to moVe on a rocK...

a tinY hermiT crAb on Zhi Heng'z pAlm...looK at it'z tinY eyez, i beT it wAz posinG for me or somethinG!!!

seAgrApez!!!!! heArd from thiZ IndonesiAn girl in my grouP thAt it hAz certAin therapeutic functionZ for High Blood Pressur or somethinG...and theY eAt it rAw for thAt!!

a frAgment of Blue Coral...a hArd kind of corAl. wondeR who broKe it....i juZ picKed it uP and photo-ed it...heH....also, i thoughT Blue Coral was onlY a Bubble Tea Flavour!!!

a turbAn snAil...see nexT phoTo for it'z amAzing use!!

the operculuM of the turbAn'z biologicAl functioN iz to cloZe up the interior of the snAil to prevenT dehydrAtion during loW tide, and it'Z humAnized uze is to be trAnsformed into a buttoN!!!!! ewwW.....but it'Z quite nice, smootH, and hArd though.

the whiTe strAnd is a strAnd of the stickY intestineZ of the seA cucumbeR strAnded on some hArd corAl!!! A Sea Cucumber will refluX and vomit out itz intestineZ as a forM of defense.....theN it will fLee, and of cuZ it fled....thAt'z why there'z no phoTo of a reAl seA cucumber.

a mutAnt Sea Star (Starfish)!!!!! onlY 4 armZ insteAd of 5....a rAre find!!

the lotuZ wishinG well of the Kusu Island gottA hit the bell with your coin after you mAke your wisH....mAy all be welL and hAppy!!

the ferrY wAz so shAky!!!! buT i kindA liKe thiZ shoT...

i wouLd loVe to diNe on thiZ Riverboat reztAurant'Z so cool to diNe on a floAting reztAurant!!!!!

it wAz a greAt dAy.....with an interestinG dizcoverY too - i finAlly found anotheR prActical uze for the SAF Army bootz....they are totAlly wAterproof and my feeT wAz kepT drY thougH i submerGed them into the seAwater!! ;P

hoPe you enjoYed the photoZ!!! wisH to joiN in future tripZ!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

loVely reefwAlking!!!

mY feztiVe wisheZ...'Z beeN a whiLe siNce i'Ve blogged...and i mized out all my feztiVe blog entrieZ!!!!!!

the eNd of 2006 wAz filled with hAppy pArtiez.......

and the beginniG of 2007 with the lunAr new yeAr......

okAi, here goeZ:

merrY belAted christmAz 2006!!!

bbQ @ ecP with astRo gAng!!

hAppy solAr neW yeAr 2007!!!!!!

in houZe pArty witH astRo gAng @ Flince'z houZe!!

hAppy vAlentine'z dAy 2007!!!!

soMe nice picT froM googLe...

hAppy lunAr neW yeAr 2007!!!!

agAin, soMe picT showinG CNY in London from googLe...

okAi...stAy hAppy!!!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


i wAz so tired yezterdAy in btw my scH breAk...thAt i slepT on the coucH amidst all the construction noiZe in the lobbY...hahAaa...

hAd a lecT. in the morN....and the notes had such TINY fontz.....830 to 1030, then a shorT 1-hr breAk for bruncH........and theN one tuT from 1130 to 1230....

1230 to 230 wAz the breAk........welL i felT there'z no need to checK on my agAr plAtes bAck in the lAb heNce i nApped........dont know whY but i felT so so so tiRed theN......anywAy the sleep wAz greAt. hahAa...

luckilY i woKe on time for my 230 lecT....and YinLing (a FYP Student in my lAb) cAme over to invite me to Lau Yu Sheng with her pAlz at the Quad areA juZ outside the lobbY.......i declined amicAbly.....1sTly i feel that sucH an intimAte Lau Yu Sheng activitY should be doNe only with ppL you feel like you are a fAmily with..........we are not thAt close yeT, and i don't eveN know her pAlz....

frAnkly, i suppoze i wonT see her around mucH cuZ once her FYP ends, she will moVe on with her life.........welL, heNce she'z juZ a pAsserby? coincidentAlly....she wAs actuAlly froM TJC too! one yeAr younger thAn JC she wAz my junior, now she'z my senior in NTU.....hahAa...

i helPed her with some cloninG worK lAst week...and i'M glAd she got her correcT cloNe yezterdAy! hahAa....not bAd!!! hAppy for her......i still remembeR her stressed looK wheN she felT so helplezz theN.....she hAd no lAb experience heNce she didn'T know how to do all theze i feeL so glAd i get to leArn lAb techniquez, and be pAid for leArning....^O^


Friday, February 23, 2007

pAssword reZcue...

the queeresT thinG juZ hAppened...

my pAzzword didn't seem to worK.....and luckilY Blogger iz efficient in reneWing pAzzwordz...!!!!

hahaAaa......cuZ of thiZ issue, i reAlized that i submitted the rAre e-mAil to Blogger inteAd of the commoN one i duH right? ;P


Sunday, February 04, 2007

the growtH spelL

senT thiZ spelL to Agatha to helP her ecoLi groW fAster at IMCB....:

groW fAster my bActeria...
go sloweR witH my feAr...
donT leAve me bAck in the reAr...
i'lL giVe you moRe mediA!!



recentlY, i receiVed remArkz of concerN from 2 friendZ who obviouzlY cAre = Alex and ZY.

theY separAtely asKed me if i wAz ok....liKe whAt hAppened to me recentlY? the usuAl cheerfulnesS iz goNe......

Alex asKed me whiLe he sAw me on the skybridGe whAt hAppened.....cuZ he felT thAt i wAz not myself theze few dAyz....theN.....thAt was wheN i shoWed him the butterflY with 4 legZ, heY, so are butterflieZ insectz?

theN ZY sAw me sitting on the lobbY coucH after schooL......and he dropped by me and sAt next to me and stArted askinG me if i wAz ok....and he sAid i looK depressed...........

afteR ZY pAtted my shoulder and lefT......somehow Adrian cAme towardz me and asked whAt i wAz waiting for. i wAz smS-ing a growtH spelL to Agatha (cuZ she wAz at IMCB waiting for her ecoLi to groW) i sAid coldly thAt i am sMs-ing......and theN sAid i am stAining cellz with 2ndAry Antibody and waiting for thAt. didn'T even look at hiM.....theN he sAid it waz so cold here why did i chooZe to sit here in the lobbY? i sAid i feeL liKe it. theN he wenT outside to sit at the opeN bencheZ.

the trutH iz....the 2ndAry Ab timing wAz up alreAdy! i wAz juZ so tired....i needed to sloucH and resT at the lobbY i did, and prActised 15min of mettA meditAtion.

mY.....i hoPe i am oK. perhApz i'M juZ too busY.....witH everythinG pilinG uP!!!!!!!!

anywAyz...beeN missinG tuitioN time and agAin.....

theN az for Adrian, now his new fouNd acAdemic compAnions will be Luqun and James. felT weird lookinG at hiM sittinG witH them now in the lecT theAtre insteAd of witH me. howeveR, i juZ gottA let go of thiZ thoughT and stAy hAppy alone. he iz not a worthY friend i bliVe.

somehoW... i chAnged my subjecT combi. to mAtch hiz (not totAlly cuZ of hiM, it'Z inclusiVe of lotZa other reAsonz), and he choZe to grouP with hiZ new compAnions for one of the 7-dAy prActical thAt we hAve...........he cleArly hAd a choice, but he choZe it the otheR wAy. i cAn't be angrY or pissed off...or i don'T knoW, but if i were hiM, i would grouP with a "frieNd" who chAnged hiz combi to mAtch mine. juZ feeL so duH...

ah-hA....and another dAy....after the lecT @ LT20...i wz rushing off bAck to the i sAid a quicK bYe specificAlly to ZY and Zhisheng...and non-specificAlly to Adrian. theN went up the stAirs...waiting for the crowd to exiT slowly...theN Adrian came up too and said something liKe "v sian, still hAve to wait until....blAh". and i did not respond at alL!!!! hahAaa...yAy, thAt'z the wAy illZ!!!!

gottA respond hiM the wAy he alwAyz reacted to whAtever i sAy = no responSe.

mAy all be welL and hAppy...