Tuesday, June 23, 2009

~the tisSue iz the isSue~

yezterdAy durinG luncH, i asKed Joe if he wAnted some servietteZ....siNce i wAz going to the counteR to tAke some....theN he gAve a confuZed blAnk looK...

theN i repeAted "servietteZ"...

he wAz stilL confuzed...

theN i sAid "tisSue pAper?"...

and he looKed eveN confuzed-eR.....but he finAlly understood and sAid he alreAdy hAz some nApkinz...


hahAa...so wAz it juZ me? or iz it thAt americAnz terM whAt i cAll "tisSue" differentlY....."tisSue" mAy be too generAl....

so i asKed Joe whAt he cAllz different versionZ of "tisSue"...

i hAve leArnt the correcT nAmez to cAll them...and here are the nAmez witH pictureZ~!!!!!

insteAd of servietteZ, i shouLd sAy nApkinz~

botH are "tisSue pAper"...but the toP iz my "tisSue pAper", the bottoM iz Joe'z "tisSue pAper"...

no wondeR Joe wAz confuzed....whY wouLd i asK him if he needed gifT wrApping pAper for hiz luncH??! hahAaa.....insteAd of pockeT tisSue/pAper hAnkerchievez, it'Z simplY "tisSue" withouT the "pAper". ;P

thiZ one iz commoN - toileT pAper/toileT rollZ.

thiZ one iz cAlled kitcheN toweL...but pAper toweL seemZ more welL understood.

the mizunderstAnding durinG luncH simplY mAkez me smile...buT i'M thAnkful i cleAred out the uninteNded joKe witH Joe...he probAbly find mY tisSue-ing funnY too...and i'M glAd to leArn more abouT "tisSue"~



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