Monday, June 15, 2009

immunologicAl tofu brothinG and rotoN presentAtion~

over the weekeNd...mY alchY chefY instinctZ relApzed:

mY deliciouZ firM tofu seAfood brotH~!!!! ^O^

ah...and todAy i presenTed my 2nd lAb rotAtion reseArch durinG my depArtment luncH~

i wAz trulY glAd my presentAtion wenT reAlly welL:

1. righT afteR my presentAtion, afteR i supplicAted for questionZ....every1 wAz silenT, theN my progrAm directoR sAid witH a smiLe "everyoNe is stunNed.."....

2. beN (mY bozZ) tooK tiMe off (actuAlly he skipPed a meetinG! ;P) to atteNd my presentAtion...theN afteR thAt he toLd me i did welL!! i thinK he sAid "you rocKed~"...i trulY thAnk beN for hiZ attendAnce and hiM vettinG my slideZ lAst fridAy~ ^O^

3. Joe and morAssa (my "pArky" lAbmatez) tooK time to atteNd...and morAssa told me i did a greAt job too! yAy! grAce (my mentoR) hAd somethinG on so she couldn'T atteNd...buT she wenT througH my presentAtion witH me quicklY befoRe the reAl thinG to mAke sure thingZ are ok! ;)

4. i receiVed greAt remArkz from tizzY and luckY (my clAzzmatez) too!! ^o^

5. righT afteR my presentAtion...i sAt dowN to eAt my pizzA...and thiZ younG smileY koreAn girL sittinG beside me smiLed and toLd me my presentAtion wAz nice! hahAaa...i'M not reAlly sure who she wAz...but thAt waz nice to heAr... ;)


....and i pAzzed my grAduate immunologY exAm witH a surprizinG A-~!!!! hahAaaa....i'M trulY thAnkful for thiZ grAde bcuZ i trulY shouLd hAve spenT more tiMe studyinG....i onlY spenT liKe one nighT for midterM and one dAy for finAlz - i wAz expectinG a B...oh, and i'M hAppy hAng-ni-mah scored eveN betteR thAn me!! he deserveZ it cuZ he studied so hArd!! ;P

oh, and adAm cAlled durinG lAte afternooN whiLe he wAz drivinG hoMe...juZ to "toucH bAze" (whicH meAnz to checK on me)...somehoW i didn'T telL him any of my hAppy updAtez....he'Z juZ too cAught up witH hiZ own superficiAl life and i'M kindA bored of givinG hiM free unworthY counselinG witH hiZ relAtionship probZ.....duH...he'lL juZ breAk and expectedlY pAtch agAin...see? the besT iz to stAy aloNe foreveR - liKe me.

googLe imAge for "boRed" - 4tH hiT.

off to dreAmland...


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