me.....uP in 3D~
finAlly, i wAtched my 1sT eveR 3D movie!!!!!
the mightY quinN (summeR MD studenT) toLd me it'Z compArable to "beAuty and the beAst"????
so, me and luckY wenT to AMC @ whiTe mArsh juZ now to cAtch the movie....we agReed thAt nothinG cAn compAre to "beAuty and the beAst"~!!!!
my childhood memorY iz trulY limited and diminisHed - i don'T know whY?! buT i remembeR mY dAd bringinG me to wAtch "beAuty and the beAst" @ the cinemA wheN i wAz beloW 10............i loVed the movie and he eveN boughT me the grAphic storY booK afteR the movie......wAzn'T it amAzing thAt he broughT me to wAtch thAt movie eveN thougH he doezn'T reAlly know englisH? we weRe so pooR theN.....hoW did thAt hAppen??!! .....he trulY doteZ on me amongsT hiZ 3 childreN....buT afteR i greW uP i toLd hiM he muZ loVe uz equAlly..... ;)
i mizZ my pakpAk and makmAk......deArly - i'M sorrY i'M 10000 mileZ awAy.....i wannA go buy grocerieZ with mY pakpAk and makmAk @ NTUC.....and eAt suppeR witH theM @ the hAwkerz of bed-oK..... *lezZ thAn 3*
the 3D specZ....
me....chivAz crAzy...hahAaaaaa
me and luckY agreed thAt "uP" iz in a differenT genRe and cAnnot be compAred to "beAuty and the beAst"...........
trusT me - go wAtch "uP" (if you hAven't)!!!!!!
it not onlY presentZ true and everlAsting loVe betweeN 2 humAnz (cArl and elLie) presented the amAzingnezz of fAmily loVe.
it showZ thAt witH true loVe.....a mArried coupLe doeZ not need to hAve childreN to enjoY lovinG eAch otheR........foreveR.....
not a fAirytale abouT loVe betweeN the princezZ and the priNce....but a loVe storY thAt tellZ you hoW powerfuL and mirAculouz loVe iz.....somethinG whicH i'lL neveR owN - cuZ the stAtiztical probAbility iz too loW to consideR, but of courZe not impossibLe so neveR sAy neveR~!!!
good luck to luckY for findinG her loVe of heR life...and thAnkz to rukhminI (lucky'Z intelligenT hondA ciVic couPe) for givinG uz a sAfe ride todAy~!!!!!
p.S.1: i simplY switcHed off my phoNe for totAl isolAtion whiLe chivAs regAling...mY alcohoL tolerAnce hAz definitelY increAzed~!!!!!
p.S.2: cAn't wAit to webcAm witH my fAmily in ~10 hourZ tiMe~!!!!
p.S.3: not hAppy not unhAppy....not i don'T knoW but lAughing......
p.S.4: it'Z soooo HOT in summeR buT luckilY not az humid az hoMe my fAmily...
p.S.5: viennA tenG....mY choRd died....there oNce wAz a period of tiMe wheN i wAz suRe of my boNd...mY fermatA~!!! freedoM = aloNe!!! >.<
the mightY quinN (summeR MD studenT) toLd me it'Z compArable to "beAuty and the beAst"????
so, me and luckY wenT to AMC @ whiTe mArsh juZ now to cAtch the movie....we agReed thAt nothinG cAn compAre to "beAuty and the beAst"~!!!!
my childhood memorY iz trulY limited and diminisHed - i don'T know whY?! buT i remembeR mY dAd bringinG me to wAtch "beAuty and the beAst" @ the cinemA wheN i wAz beloW 10............i loVed the movie and he eveN boughT me the grAphic storY booK afteR the movie......wAzn'T it amAzing thAt he broughT me to wAtch thAt movie eveN thougH he doezn'T reAlly know englisH? we weRe so pooR theN.....hoW did thAt hAppen??!! .....he trulY doteZ on me amongsT hiZ 3 childreN....buT afteR i greW uP i toLd hiM he muZ loVe uz equAlly..... ;)
i mizZ my pakpAk and makmAk......deArly - i'M sorrY i'M 10000 mileZ awAy.....i wannA go buy grocerieZ with mY pakpAk and makmAk @ NTUC.....and eAt suppeR witH theM @ the hAwkerz of bed-oK..... *lezZ thAn 3*
the 3D specZ....
me....chivAz crAzy...hahAaaaaa
me and luckY agreed thAt "uP" iz in a differenT genRe and cAnnot be compAred to "beAuty and the beAst"...........
trusT me - go wAtch "uP" (if you hAven't)!!!!!!
it not onlY presentZ true and everlAsting loVe betweeN 2 humAnz (cArl and elLie) presented the amAzingnezz of fAmily loVe.
it showZ thAt witH true loVe.....a mArried coupLe doeZ not need to hAve childreN to enjoY lovinG eAch otheR........foreveR.....
not a fAirytale abouT loVe betweeN the princezZ and the priNce....but a loVe storY thAt tellZ you hoW powerfuL and mirAculouz loVe iz.....somethinG whicH i'lL neveR owN - cuZ the stAtiztical probAbility iz too loW to consideR, but of courZe not impossibLe so neveR sAy neveR~!!!
good luck to luckY for findinG her loVe of heR life...and thAnkz to rukhminI (lucky'Z intelligenT hondA ciVic couPe) for givinG uz a sAfe ride todAy~!!!!!
p.S.1: i simplY switcHed off my phoNe for totAl isolAtion whiLe chivAs regAling...mY alcohoL tolerAnce hAz definitelY increAzed~!!!!!
p.S.2: cAn't wAit to webcAm witH my fAmily in ~10 hourZ tiMe~!!!!
p.S.3: not hAppy not unhAppy....not i don'T knoW but lAughing......
p.S.4: it'Z soooo HOT in summeR buT luckilY not az humid az hoMe my fAmily...
p.S.5: viennA tenG....mY choRd died....there oNce wAz a period of tiMe wheN i wAz suRe of my boNd...mY fermatA~!!! freedoM = aloNe!!! >.<
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