Tuesday, May 13, 2014

life lessonzzZ.

why do the life lessonzzZ i atteNd alwAyz cosT moneY??

sometimezzZ...i juz gottA pAy my wAy througH to eArn some mAturity.

moneY mAkez everythinG more meAningful? or lezz meAningful?

i usuAlly don'T cAre about moneY issues......i don'T eArn mucH az a grAd studenT but whAt i hAve iz enougH to sustAin a reAsonable quAlity of singLe life...

iz moneY importAnt to me? generAlly, no.

i am hAppy to spend moneY on tougH life lessonz...whicH wilL hopefullY mAke me into a betteR persoN in the long ruN.

whAt i regreT while livinG my life wilL be the wAsted tiMe and the amouNt of emotionz pouRed on unworthY issuez.


todAy iz.......a fuckinG bAd dAy.