Monday, June 22, 2009

me iz an illuminAtian~

on sAturday 12+aM, adAm cAlled me askinG me to stoP drinkinG afteR he reAlized i wAz henessyinG viA text messAging - duH, i wAzn't even drinkinG i toLd hiM in a sluR abouT the hypothesiS on the hormesiS of alcohoL consumptioN...and i wilL send hiM my grAph.

i woKe afteR abouT 9 hourZ (whicH meAnz i didn'T drinK aloT) - and of courZe i remembeRed to seNd him the grAph...but az usuAl - he doezn'T replY...mAybe az a musiciAn, he didn'T understAnd my grAph at alL.

anywAyz..., wheN i woKe, i decided to wAtch a movie on my owN - "angelZ & demoN".

lAndmark theAtre (4) arouNd mArriot hoteL - i tooK the onlY true centrAl seAt @ the lAst roW.

it wAz a rAiny long wAlk to the theAtre....i wAlked slowlY listeninG to kiT chAn.

and i finAlly mAterialized thAt it'Z possible to wAtch movieZ aloNe eveN withouT a cAr.....

i wAlked so mucH my bAck hurtZ thougH.......

howeveR, needlezZ to syNc witH the previouZ "dA viNci code", "angelZ & demonZ" hAz an anti-cAtholicizm theMe....and in the movie...i wondeR whAt wouLd hAve hAppened if the vAtican citY wAz deztroYed - wouLd cAtholicz all oveR the worLd stilL hAve sucH a stronG fAith siNce theiR God and angelZ cAnnot eveN protecT theiR moZ sAcred and holY citY? hmM......

and i leArnt abouT the illuminAti - a societY of scieNtists and intelligenT and logicAl humAnz who were foRced to hide and becoMe secretiVe bcuZ the cAtholic superpoweR mAny yeArz bAck kilLed theM in public and humiliAted theiR scieNtific logic and stilL manAged to bliNd moz of the public to bliVe in whAt the bishopZ and priestZ wAnt theM to bliVe - stilL the cAze now - totAlly duHed.

whY do i sAy it'Z still the sAme? bcuZ cAtholic churcheZ actuAlly hAve speciAl progrAmz nAmed "Faith Formation In Children Through Adults"....or similAr titlez....whY tArget childreN? whY iz Catholicism knowledGe besT tAught durinG childhood? whY are moz humAnz rAized az Catholicz have the strongest bliNd fAith?

the answeR iz simpLe - the youNg miNd iz a sponGe...a younG and innocenT chiLd wilL bliVe blindlY in whAtever you teAch him/heR...sillY knowledGez like "pigZ can flY", "blAck iz whiTe", or eveN "the suN iz actuAlly squAre in shApe"...theY will bliVe withouT eveN questioninG for life.

furthermoRe, the Catholicz are stilL agAinzt scientistZ - the United States Conference of Catholics Bishops (USCCB) petitioNed to oppoZe steM celL reseArch fundingZ........juZ wheN wilL thiZ "corporAtion" admit to itz blind fAith..?

froM googLe imAge of courZe~

bAck to the illuminAti....if thiZ ancienT societY existZ...logicAlly....every scieNtist shouLd be an illuminAtian. mAybe right noW i'M not quAlified to be an illuminAtian.....but i trulY yeArn to becoMe one of the rezpectAble illuminAtianz~ ^o^


p.S.1: kudoZ to dAn browN~!!!!

p.S.2: fictioN or non-fictioN - simplY folloW youR owN loGic.


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