Monday, June 15, 2009

becominG hAndier - fixinG leAky bAthtub fAucet~

livinG aloNe awAy froM my fAmily iz indeed beneficiAl to me...

wheN thingZ don'T worK anymoRe...and i need to sAve cAsh...i need to fix thingZ myseLf...

froM compleX tAskz like chAnging bAthroom door knobZ and lockZ...tougH jobZ liKe tidyinG mY forestY the simpLe replAcement of lighT bulbZ...

thiZ tiMe rouNd, i hAd to fix my leAky bAthtub fAucet!!!

argH....cAlling a plumbeR wilL cosT 100+ USD - crAzy!!!

so me and dR. Li figuRed out a fRee wAy to fix thingZ:

the tricK iz to tighteN my bAthtub fAucet hAndlez~

me simplY glAd at my newlY acquiRed hAndyman skilL!! ;P


p.S.: we terM "fAucet" az "tAp" in singApore...


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