Saturday, June 06, 2009

"sunshiNe of sprinG" bY sodAgreen~!!!!!

p.S.1: thiZ bloG entrY iz speciAlly dedicAted to huA-妹 = meihuA...

p.S.2: i shouLd hAve blogGed thiZ 3 dAyz aGo... ;P

so it wAz a usuAl wednezdAy - lAb all dAy...theN returN hoMe....

and az i wAlked up my stAirz...i sAw thiZ bloAted orAngy enveloPe on the ledGe - the plAce where neW mAil iz plAce.

welL...i glAnced and it wAz chineZe chAracterz all oveR. 1sT impressioN - muZ be foR dR. Li.....some letteR froM chinA?

wAit, i sAw on the stAmp "TAIPEI"....:

from tAiwan??

it wAz addrezZed to me - mY 1sT mAil froM tAiwan!!!

oh yeA!!! i reAlized it'Z froM meihuA!!!!

oh my gosH!!!!!!!

i wAz so exciTed and toucHed bcuZ i surelY knoW whAt it iz!!!!

meihuA recentlY tyPed-me on skyPe chAt thAt she'Z gonnA go tAiwan for fuN and if there'Z any sodAgreen thingie she mighT buY for it muZ be sodAgreen relAted!!!

i wAz all smilinG wheN i wAz openinG the letteR and da-duH!!!!

"sunshiNe of sprinG" - sodAgreen'z 5tH albuM!!!!

the insideZ of the albuM~~~

i wiki-ed and reAlized thiZ albuM wAz releAzed onlY a montH aGo - so moZ probAbly singApore doezn'T eveN selL it yeT!!! toucHed yoZ!!!! if not foR thiZ...i wouldn'T eveN knoW sodAgreen releAzed anotheR albuM!!!

i feeL so privileGed - i mighT be one of the 1sT (or the 1sT the onlY one!!) to owN thiZ albuM in the bAltimore!!!!!!

aH...meihuA muZ hAve boughT it in tAiwan...theN wenT to the posToffice whiLe in tAiwan to seNd it to me!!!! kudoZ to meihuA~!!!

i hAve beeN sodAgreening eveR siNce i got thiZ'Z such a lovelY albuM!!!!

the musicAl tAlent of qingfenG (sodAgreen'z mAin vocAlz) hAz definitelY becoMe perfecteR...the lyricZ he cArved...the tuneZ he creAted...hiZ fAntaztic, crisP and cleAr and gentLe vocAlz!! and he dYed hiZ hAir pinK thiZ tiMe rouNd - gosH i loVe qingfenG!!!

i loVe sodAgreen!!!!! ^O^

"sunshiNe of sprinG" - the 1sT singLe~!!! it'Z tiMe to wAke uP wheN sprinG arriveZ!! ^o^

the mAking of "sunshiNe of sprinG" - sodAgreen hAd so much fuN mAking the mV...

mY chineZe stAndard iz reAlly not good enougH....or did qingfenG rAize the stAndard of chineZe in hiZ lyricZ?? i hAd a hArd time understAnding soMe pArtz of the arttY lyricZ...especiAlly the poeTic trAck 5...tryinG to linK uP the metAphorz witH reAlity..buT i generAlly understAnd the concepT of thiZ albuM:

it beginZ witH a sloW and sAd trAck one to symboliZe the endinG of winteR...wheN the emotionlezZ snoW meltZ awAy into the lovelY sprinG! theN subsequenT songZ are livelY tuneZ to signAl it'Z tiMe to wAke uP, geT ouT, and plAy arouNd cuZ it'Z sprinG!!

trAck 8 in the disc...i do not recogniZe the middle chAracter of thiZ sonG...

trAck 8 iz "交響夢"...the chineZe postdoC in my 3rd rotAtion lAb alSo doezn'T recogniZe the middLe chAracter!! i kindA felT the sAdnezz in thiZ sonG...buT it seemZ to sAy the storY of recoverinG froM beinG hurT...gettinG reAdy for a neW life...lyricZ feAturez a memorAble liNe - "hidinG mY invisibLe woundZ and the beAutiful crueltY underneAth the mud..."

trAck 12 iz sucH a touchinG sonG thAt i wilL bloG separAtely cuZ i cRied thiZ morninG whiLe listeninG to it and wAtching the mV on youtuBe - unblivAble cuZ i thoughT mY teAr glAndz hAve dried...

i yeArn to interpreTe the songZ one bY one in tiMe to coMe...i'lL need a chineZe dictionAry...or i'lL juZ asK the chineZe or tAwiwaneze arouNd me!! ;P

oh...and the ingeniouZ and trulY uniQue "各站停靠" (trAck 5) hAz an amAzing liNe - "...every butterflY iz the returninG souL of a witheRed floweR...flutterinG arouNd hopinG to redizcoveR her losT seLf..." - my currenT gchAt and fAcebook stAtuz...

"sunshiNe of sprinG" iz sucH a fAbulouz albuM and a wodnerfuL surpriZe gifT!!!!

^.^ ^o^ ^O^

thAnk you meihuA~!!!!


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