Sunday, June 14, 2009

kit chAn - dAte.....陈洁仪 - 约会

a sAd tuNe suddenlY plAyed in my miNd whiLe i collecTed my bedsheeT froM my dryeR in my bAzement and wAz climbinG the stAirz bAck to my bedrooM....

i tried youtubinG it....googLe videO it....whAtever - nothinG!!


so i mAde a youtuBe vid of it!!! hoPe youtuBe will not remoVe it... *fingerZ crozZed!*

it'Z a wonderfuL sonG...sAdly it mAkez my heArt crY (whoAh so poetiC!!)..

a more thAn 10-yeAr-old sonG...bY kit chAn:

kit chAn - dAte.....陈洁仪 - 约会

brieflY, it'Z abouT meetinG someoNe for the lAst time - a finAl dAte on a rAiny suffeR an eternAl breAkup.

sAd quoteZ froM the sonG:

"stoP apologizinG liKe you alwAyz do..."

"the roZe petAlz i peeLed are witherinG on the tAble..."

"who'Z singinG sucH a sAd sonG for me..? az if he/she knoWz my decisioN breAkup in heArt juZ keepZ cryinG..."

"who wilL knoW i'M tolerAting all of thiZ pAin? silentlY wAtching mY journeY of loVe coMe to an you knoW the rAin iz actuAlly teArz..?"



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