alL thAt you need~
sittinG at the buN shoP - my fAve coffee shoP in bAltimore. :^)
beeN a monthisH siNce i moved out of the chArm citY and i'M bAck to viziT~ stAyed here for 7isH yrz and i do feeL the chArm of bAltimore - a uniQue bleNd of perilouz blockz witH hiddeN gemz like the buN shoP~
oh, and i dropPed by #theamazingParklab az welL~!!! i trulY mizz my collectioN of pipettezzZ:
wAlked around and reminizced the good oLd timezzZ~
eventuAlly, i tooK a photO of thiz note pAzted on my desK:
yupZ, no mAtter whAt the otherz say or thinK about you...or whetheR they rezpond to you in the wAy you wAnt them to or not......hmm, whY shouLd you cAre when they don'T give mucH fucK about you? you no sAy cAre befoRe lol~
it'z alwAyz trickY to controL how mucH to cAre about someoNe and not to questioN yourseLf whY thAt one persoN doezn'T give az mucH shiT to you az you giVe him/heR.
well welL.., you juz gottA try your bezT to not expecT anythinG from anyone. and reAlly, one littLe unlittLe lessoN i leArnt from the pArk lAb iz thAt all you need is to belieVe in yourseLf.
there cAn be mirAclez wheN you belieVe~ ◕‿◕
beeN a monthisH siNce i moved out of the chArm citY and i'M bAck to viziT~ stAyed here for 7isH yrz and i do feeL the chArm of bAltimore - a uniQue bleNd of perilouz blockz witH hiddeN gemz like the buN shoP~
oh, and i dropPed by #theamazingParklab az welL~!!! i trulY mizz my collectioN of pipettezzZ:
wAlked around and reminizced the good oLd timezzZ~
eventuAlly, i tooK a photO of thiz note pAzted on my desK:
yupZ, no mAtter whAt the otherz say or thinK about you...or whetheR they rezpond to you in the wAy you wAnt them to or not......hmm, whY shouLd you cAre when they don'T give mucH fucK about you? you no sAy cAre befoRe lol~
it'z alwAyz trickY to controL how mucH to cAre about someoNe and not to questioN yourseLf whY thAt one persoN doezn'T give az mucH shiT to you az you giVe him/heR.
well welL.., you juz gottA try your bezT to not expecT anythinG from anyone. and reAlly, one littLe unlittLe lessoN i leArnt from the pArk lAb iz thAt all you need is to belieVe in yourseLf.
there cAn be mirAclez wheN you belieVe~ ◕‿◕
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