Saturday, June 06, 2009

neurologicAl pApermoon...

argH - recenT dAyz hAve beeN exAm dAyz!!!

so finAlly cleAred the grAduate immunologY in-clAzz exAm 8 dAyz ago...and theN 4 dAyz ago juZ settLed 2 tAke-home exAmz for neuropAthology!!!!

gosH.....thiZ mArkz the eNd of my courzeworK for mY 1sT grAduate schooL yeAr... *yAy and clApz~~~*

noW i cAn focuZ on lAbwork totAlly!!!! ^O^

anywAyz...lookinG bAck on mondAY nighT...i wAz strugglinG the neuropAth exAm togetheR witH hAng-ni-mah...strivinG togetheR essAy by essAy...tryinG to keeP eAch otheR awAke and stronG to fighT the exAmz!!!

theN we decided we reAlly wAnted some we wenT to pApermoon:

aH!! mY deliciouZ avocAdo omeletTe~

so it wAz liKe 12 midnighT oNce we returNed to the crB buildinG to fighT the neuropAth wAr...and agAin we didn'T sleeP!!!

so glAd it'Z all doNe~

the nexT dAy afteR not sleepinG wAz fullY pAcked for me too....didn'T sleeP and i scheduLed dermAtologizt appointmenT @ 9aM and a tenpAchi hAircut @ 10aM....rushinG arouNd livinG on cAffeine...and theN did lAbwork tiL 830pM.....

everY efforT wAz wortH it and i'M lovinG hoW cArmela (mY hAirdresseR~) kepT my frinGe the perfecT lengtH whiLe spikeY the resT of mY hAir! kudoZ to cArmela!!

so exhAuzted...buT i rewArded myseLf with mY henessY and blAck lAbel thAt nighT and feelZ so rejuvenAted~



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