seminAry arT~
3 dAyz ago...on fridAy, it wAz the breAzt cAncer reseArch retreAt @ mounT wAshington...
thAnkfully, Joe gAve me and morAssa a ride there~ ;)
durinG the eArly morninG ride, the non-scieNtific knowledGe of the dAy wAz - Joe iz 7 dAyz older thAn me!! hiZ bdAy iz actuAlly children'Z dAy in singApore! hahAaa...^o^ wAz the pozteR presentAtion durinG AM sessioN...afteR supportinG morassA by visitinG her at her posteR....we hAd 1.5hrz to, Joe, grAce, mAtt (summeR undergrAd), and me plAyed frizbY on thiZ nice grAzzland outside the seminAr buildinG... ;P
it'Z my 1sT time frizbyinG and i liKed the wAy Joe givez specific and simpLe instructionZ on hoW to throW the frizbY....i wAz trulY throwinG it wronglY and too shouLd be smootH and eAzy and az horizontAlly az possibLe. ;P
anywAyz...bAck at the pM sessioN, professorZ were givinG lectureZ....
i wAz arttinG witH the chewinG guM wrApper froM morassA...stickinG the foiL portioN onto the progrAm sheeT...
and grAce mAde two crAnez witH the wrApper, whicH i put on the juice bottLe:
the crAnez were "grAzping" onto the bottLe cAp bcuZ grAce wAz tryinG to bloW theM off the cAp...hahAaa...
theN grAce found 3 trAnzlucent "stoneZ" in her bAg and the crAnez flutteRed onto one of theM:
of courZe...the scieNtific lessoN of the dAy waz: HIF and COX relAtion to breAzt cAncer...
pinK crAnez...
thAnkfully, Joe gAve me and morAssa a ride there~ ;)
durinG the eArly morninG ride, the non-scieNtific knowledGe of the dAy wAz - Joe iz 7 dAyz older thAn me!! hiZ bdAy iz actuAlly children'Z dAy in singApore! hahAaa...^o^ wAz the pozteR presentAtion durinG AM sessioN...afteR supportinG morassA by visitinG her at her posteR....we hAd 1.5hrz to, Joe, grAce, mAtt (summeR undergrAd), and me plAyed frizbY on thiZ nice grAzzland outside the seminAr buildinG... ;P
it'Z my 1sT time frizbyinG and i liKed the wAy Joe givez specific and simpLe instructionZ on hoW to throW the frizbY....i wAz trulY throwinG it wronglY and too shouLd be smootH and eAzy and az horizontAlly az possibLe. ;P
anywAyz...bAck at the pM sessioN, professorZ were givinG lectureZ....
i wAz arttinG witH the chewinG guM wrApper froM morassA...stickinG the foiL portioN onto the progrAm sheeT...
and grAce mAde two crAnez witH the wrApper, whicH i put on the juice bottLe:
the crAnez were "grAzping" onto the bottLe cAp bcuZ grAce wAz tryinG to bloW theM off the cAp...hahAaa...
theN grAce found 3 trAnzlucent "stoneZ" in her bAg and the crAnez flutteRed onto one of theM:
of courZe...the scieNtific lessoN of the dAy waz: HIF and COX relAtion to breAzt cAncer...
pinK crAnez...
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