Monday, March 27, 2006

a fuN count of quArrelz...

the thoughT of it mAkez me smile...

thiZ hAppened lasT thurz...abT 4 dAyz ago:

me and adriAn were having quite a long and dreAdful dAy....cuZ we hAd a lecTure in the morN...theN a coupLe of hours breAk, followed by a 3-hR+ lAb prActical....

we kepT eAch other compAny as usuAl....and funnilY, we counTed the number of "quArrelz" we hAd thAt whole dAy.....

a simpLe "heY why you kicK my chAir?" or "you neveR wAit for me righT?"...or..."see...i chAnge hairstyLe you also don'T knoW"....or "why not hAppy ah?"...or "why neveR keep chAir for me..?".....or "neveR listeN to whAt i sAy one...alwAyz like thAt one...".......eAch will counT as one quArrel!!!!! theRe were so mAny thAt i cAn't remembeR exActly....hahAaa...

we hAd fuN i suppose....and the finAl count? 34 for thAt dAy!!!! ;P

thinK we weRe ultrA bored...we weren'T reAlly quArreling....juZ some pseudo thingIe....we weRe tied down bY so mAny school we hAd to find some wAy to stAy livelY~ ;P

cAn't imAgine if a couple cAn reAlly quArrel thAt frequentlY? it would be terribLe.........

i recAll a v. cloZe friend i hAd....whoM i totAlly enjoYed being witH.......howeveR we hAd frequenT quArrelz too.....over smAll thingZ like the cAsez with adriAn, excepT thoZe were reAl quArrelz.....but i enjoYed thoze dAyz...hahAa....i mizz thoZe dAyz.....thoZe were the dAyz...^o^

mAy all be welL and hAppy~

Friday, March 24, 2006

yeZ, it neveR endZ...

woKe uP at abT 7pM....hAd a greAt nAp, and felT better afteR nApping...

chAtted with zikziK tiL 730pM....and it feelZ nice to chAt with her siNce we seldoM meeT now......glAd to know she is fiNe. ;)

anywAy, wAz buying spAghetti juZ now...the usuAl "spAghetti tAkeawAy"............chAtted with the auntY, and told her i mighT not go bAck home...cuZ i hAve lotZ of thingZ to do....theN she sAid "it neveR endZ...." and i sAid "heY, i agRee..."...........

tRue enougH, worK neveR endZ! be it homeworK....reporTz....eveN next tiMe when i hAve a job, it all neveR endZ...................




wheN will cessAtion arrive? anZ: wheN enlightenmenT is reAched.

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

feverisH and fed-uP...

juZ returned from luncH...which was afteR my meditAtion session with Prof Li, which in turN was after my comP prAc about microarrAy analysis.

felT so lethArgic and fed-uP during the prAc.....thAt i slepT for a moment i suppose. howeveR, luckY i could juZ copy the report answerZ from adriAn and thAt'z it for thAt lesson. so bAd and so sAd of me...

i am not feelinG well........

and i reAlly hAve tonnez of thingZ undone......

the prAc lAb report for advAnced biochemiZtry is truly so tough.....or is iT?

i gottA settLe down my mind...cooL down, simplY chill yeA!

hahAa....gonnA tAke a nap for now..and wheN i wAke one or 2 hrZ lAter, i will resuMe whAtever i hAve to do.....^O^

stAying positiVe!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

mY neW wAtch~~~

hahAaaa!!! see:

i boughT thiZ juZ chinatowN....wenT speciAlly to looK for alex'Z dAd'z shoP.....

heH, i wAz a good deAl....cuZ after knowinG i aM alex'Z clAssmaTe, i got anotheR 5 buckZ discounT!! ^O^

mY preV Takane wAtch *iT wenT loW bAtt* waz a fRee gift....bAck from 1sT tpT'z 25th anniversAry! thoZe were the miserAble dAyz wheN i wAz attAched to them....hahAa...luckilY i revocAted after gettinG my "fArewell gifT".....if noT i mAy hAve died there from my spinAl pAin relApze.......the servicinG of huGe and old sAf vehiclez surelY ain'T a job for the physicAlly unfiT...

alL righT, i gottA treAsure my neW wAtch!!! ^O^


P.S.: juZ replAce the cheetAh gold with silveR and thAt iz my new wAtch....i stronglY prefeR silveR.....hahAaaa....

sorrY.....bY madonnA

thiZ sonG iz on repeAt now...hahAaa....i aM the kinG of sonG repeAtz~~~


i don'T wannA know i don'T wannA heAr...
plZ don'T sAy you'Re sorrY...
i'Ve heArd it alL befoRe...


don'T explAin yourseLf cuZ tAlk iz cheAp...
there'Z more importAnt thingZ thAn heAring you speAk...


i don'T wannA heAr i don'T wannA knoW..........................


i'Ve heArd it alL befoRe... ... ...

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

johAri thingIe...

clicK the aboVe to checK ouT thiZ johAri thingIe intro-ed bY tuiTee...

hmM, clicK it if you know me and hAz come acrozZ thiZ pAge. ;)


Friday, March 03, 2006

adriAn'z advice...

"geT your prioritieZ righT..."

i liKe it when adriAn sAyz thiZ to me in hiZ normAl cooL toNe....feelZ like he iz reprimAnding me for my owN good.

it iZ tRue...he sAid thAt to me cuZ i wAz lAte for a 0830 lectuRe...i arriVed at 0935 - duH!! i overslepT....tiL 0910...and thAt'z whAt hAppened. thereafteR, i told hiM cuZ i wAz exptinG in the lAb til v v v lAte theZe few dAyz....1am or 2+aM thAt tyPe....heNce i overslepT. and i agRee, i reAlly should prioritiZe....

schooL worK *a muZ, yeZ i knoW...*.....lAb worK....fAmily....friendZ...fuN tiMe.........hmM, heY, thAt'z abT it yeA?

theN on the sAme dAy, i wAz lAte abit agAin for a wet lAb prActical.......agAin it wAz bcuZ i wenT to the lAb during the 1-hr breAk to purifY my inserT dnA frAgment...and got delAyed. adriAn sAid the sAme thing to me....

thAnkz adriAn, thougH there iz 99.999999% you wilL not get to reAd thiZ *cuZ you do not hAve my bloG addIe*, but thAnkz. ; )

i hoPe thAt my currenT cloninG expT reAlly workz welL......colonieZ plZ groW for me!!

alSo, i hoPe thAt yY and zikziK cAn tide througH thiZ arid period of theiR worrieZ, pAyday iz coming sooN!!! bonuZ too!!! hahAa...

mAy all be welL and hAppy...