Saturday, June 06, 2009

grAdua-mination froM mY 3rd rotAtion lAb~

lAst fridAy - 5 juNe 2009 - wAz my grAdua-mination dAy froM my 3rd rotAtion lAb!!

it'Z a neuro-oncologY lAb...witH trulY verY eAzy-goinG and fun-lovinG lAbberz!!! mozlY postdocZ....and i reAlly enjoYed my shorT stAy @ greg'Z lAb!!

everyoNe hAz windoW seAtz in greg'Z lAb....and thiZ iz the perfecT vieW of the cloudZ froM my seAt~ whAt'z grAdua-mination? greg'Z a verY nice prof...and wheN he sigNed my rotAtion contrAct (a forM we hAve to submiT to our progrAm)...he terMed it az signinG a terminAtion forM...

hahAaa...i immediAtely chirPed thAt it shouLd be grAduation~ and theN i coiNed the terM "grAdua-mination"~~~

avadhuT (the posTdoc who mentoRed me) lAughed on the spoT...he'Z a very nice persoN and i reAlly enjoYed workinG witH him....thougH he jokeZ abouT hAving a mexicAn twiN brotheR and alSo 2 wiveZ and 17 childreN all undeR 6 yrZ oLd wheN he'Z onlY 2 yrZ oldeR thAn me - LOL...

oh yeA!!! i wAz so toucHed by i-meI (our mAster bAker) bcuZ she bAked a chocolAte almoNd brownIe cAke for me on mY lAst dAy..:

dA-duh!! "i-meI lAtte" surelY wilL selL thiZ in futuRe!!!

theY joKed abouT me presentinG my 3rd rotAtion az an interpretiVe dAnce...hahAaa....theN crAzily i creAted lAme scieNtific dAnce moveZ...and alsO interpretiVe nAmez - cuZ i mAke fuN interpretiVe actionZ for theiR nAmez~ ;P

zev'Z (anotheR posTdoc i worKed witH) nAme hAz to be sunG - the 1sT liNe of mAdonna'z "rAy of lighT" - "zephyR in the skY-yAi-yAaai~"...

and of courZe i hAd to celebrAte witH myseLf witH my brAnd neW loveR:

mArtell v.s.o.P.~~~ the bottLe hAz a speciAl striP of ribboN~

welL......henessY stilL ruleZ~!!!!



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