Friday, July 28, 2006


woW...finAlly i gottA sit dowN and relAx on thiZ OTO foot reflexologY mAchine hahAaa...

beeN out and runninG abT tiL noW for the past feW dAyz...!!!! it'Z either worK....if not it wilL be fun fun fuN all the wAy during my off dAyz! ;P

thiZ iz how i spent mY off dAyz:

wed (260706)
woKe uP finAlly @ ~1030....met jerM at westmAll to collecT my new frAmelezZ from shuYi....theN rusHed over to hiZ attAin love songZ for ziK'z weddinG bAnquet...theN cAbbed dowN to Queensway to meeT cheZter to buY hiZ socceR bootZ.....theN rusHed to IMM buildinG to meet ziK and yiYi to chooZe their weddinG phoToz............theN ruShed bAck to cheZter'z plAce to teAch him some electricitY circuit stuffZ............theN rested. *pheW!!!*

thurZ (270706)
woKe at hiZ plAce @ ~0930....chAtted witH constAnce abt mY JC life.....theN wenT yishuN safrA and totAlly enjoYed the jAccuzzi , tAnning and swimminG.....hAd a greAt luncH at the Nice Snack Corner.....tooK 851 dowN to the fouR horZe roAd Goddezz of Mercy tempLe.....theN wAlked around bugiZ on mY owN, theN wAlked over to sunTec to meet viN.....theN shopPed with hiM mAinly @ mArina squAre.......boughT a PMK cuTe t-shirT and also a BadBoy trendY bAg froM coolmAx!!!!!! so hAppy shoppinG......wAlked ard witH viN to esplAnade and Fullerton areA......theN wenT hoMe to relAx!

fRi (280706)
woKe @ ~1030...all sunburnT.......slAcked ard hoMe, wAshed all my sockZ.........theN prepped to go b&j'Z.........and worKed froM 1630 tiL 2310 hrz!!!!!! lonG dAy.....reAd the pAperz......tAught muM abt her handphoNe usAge.....slAcked ard....

noW finAlly relAxing witH OTO........

so, thiZ iz the definitioN of a holidAy!!!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

bAllet under the stArz...

it wAz sucH an experieNce!!!!!!!!!!

wAtched 5 bAllet performAncez by the SDT (Singapore Dance Theatrez) at forT cAnning hilL....with some ex-lAb colleAguez....;P

remeM. i wAz attAched to Prof. Koh'z lAb for 9 monthZ? theN we were arrAnging some kind of relAxing outing....

"Ballet Under the Stars" iz an annuAl evenT....

me, Alison, and Pritpal met uP on thiZ, also witH Pritpal'z uni friend - Judy. How I wished Jayne and Agatha could hAve joined us too...

we hAd a picNic style of sittinG......thAnkz to Alison and Pritpal for prepAring all the stuffz we wAz my 1sT picnic....hahAaa....i onlY vAguely remember the funnY picnic episode of Mr Bean somehow...hiM beinG chAzed by beez in the end.......;P

anywAyz, we enjoYed the sAndwiches and i knoW that the Ceres'z Cranberries and Kiwi juice iz so nice and so affordAble!!!!!!!!

az for the bAllet pArt, i especiAlly liKed "Dying Swan" and "Paradise Falling"....."Mozart" was not bAd too.......onlY now theN i knoW thAt twinkLe twinkLe littLe stArz was bY Mozart....*suRprized!* the bAllet dAncerz all hAve fAbulouz bodiez!!!!! ^O^

wonderinG if wouLd hAve a second chAnce next yeAr.......

foR 230706

mY lovelY chArmbrAceletz...

to dAte, i owN 2 chArmbraceletz...and botH of theM were froM my muM. ;)

perhApz chArmbraceletz are niceR nAmez for theM. in lAyman termz, they are trAditonal beAd-strinG brAceletz...

mY muM gAve me the firsT one abouT 3 yeArz ago...thAt was durinG a sAd period of mY life wheN i experieNced soMe trAumatic eventz bAck in armY dAyz....she boughT thAt one and put it on my righT wrisT for me, wishinG me hAppiness.

i loVed it...and neveR tooK it off my wrisT. howeveR, it broKe about 3 timeZ.......and everytiMe i would strinG it bAck and weAr it agAin...even thougH my muM kept telling me not to, siNce a brokeN brAcelet iz a bAd omeN. recentlY, it broKe agAin whiLe i wAz swimminG....fuN thougH siNce it wAz like a gAme to seArch for smAll beAdz over the pool flooR.... ;P

i accumulAted the beAdz and kepT them in my niN jioM boX.

a neW one waZ giveN to me by my muM a feW dAyz ago.....thiZ one iz abouT 3 tiMez the price of the previouZ.....and i reAlly do not wAnt my pArentz to spend on me.......

anywAyz, it broKe surprisinGly whiLe i wAz scoopinG eArlier oN! mAjority of the beAdz fell into the New York Super Fudge beAd felL into the chunkY monkeY............luckilY vincenT (mY retAil manAger) didn'T scoLd me.....*sigH*

whAt aM i supposed to do?

i wilL strinG botH of theM uP agAin........and decide whicH i should weAr.

stilL wonderinG...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

icY scrAtchez!!!

woW....didn't reAlly know snow or ice couLd actuAlly scrAtch....but come to thinK of it, it iZ so logicAlly frictionAlly possible. hahAa....

wAz seArching for some flAvourz to toP up the ice-creAm cAze eArlier in the morning whiLe workinG at beN & jerry'Z....and i hAd to sloT in botH hAndz in betweeN the boxez in the freezeR to manoevre the boxeZ to checK their flAvourz....wAz hAppily doing thAt...enjoyinG the coolnezz in my pAlmz....and ended uP hAving mild scrAtches over the toP of my knuckleZ...*oucH!*

luckilY the blood oozed slightlY onlY after my prized seArch....otherwiZe the icY freezer wAllz would be stAined with my A+ tyPe of erythrocyteZ...;P

besideZ thAt....whiLe working.....there'Z thiZ femAle colleAgue who iz such an irritAting brAt persistentlY tryinG to be smArt and actZ like she'z beeN scoopinG ard for 100 yrz or somethinG. welL, trAnzparent mode for her.....and a msg for all would be, it iz a gift to be smArt, buT it iz dAmn irritAting if one tries to be smArt. *sigH*

gonnA enjoY my 3-dAy breAk from scoopinG! ^O^

oucHly...mAy all be welL and hAppy...

hi welcoMe to beN & jerry'Z...!!!


righT after completioN of urecA on 300606...i begAn my scoopeR part-timinG at beN & jerry'Z on 010706!!!

sucH a wonderfuL timinG... ^o^'Z juZ a pArt time...heNce, i will onlY be scoopinG mostlY on weekendZ...and perhApz a single or coupLe of weekdAy(z).

hahAa...definiTely not higH on salAry for thiZ kindA manuAlly extensiVe jobbie....buT it iZ undeniAbly higH on fuN!!!!!

it iZ my pleAsure to try all the beN & jerry'Z flAvourz within one dAy...hahAaa...and it'Z fuN mAking different kindZ of wAfflez too! the autoclAve hAndling certAinly aided me in mAking wAfflez...hahAaa....^O^

the websiTe'z interesting too! checK out the ice-creAm grAveyard...glAd thAt i am working for an orgAnisation that iz continuAlly innovAtive and improvinG itself!!!!

i am definitelY hAving fun....hee~

enjoyinG my summeR vacAtion~