the eArth iz flAt.
adAm cAlled afteR 2+ hourZ i msged hiM about the blAckout...
anywAyz, we chAtted and i toLd hiM about the "angelZ & demoN" i wAtched over the weekeNd.
surprizinglY, he sAid he wAtched it too and understood alL of it.
i meAn - seriouzlY?!
i thoughT thiZ kindA anti-cAtholicizm movie iz bAnned in theiR bliNd worLd of fAith.
theN i quoTed a liNe froM the moVie - "the eArth is flAt witH heAven aboVe and helL beloW".....and asKed him if he still understood everythinG - reAlly?
theN he kindA stumbLed.
mY simpLe renditioN and mockinG of bliNd belief.
anywAyz, it wAz a rockY conversAtion witH a totAl cAtholicy bliNd believeR.
mY utteR sympAthiez....
for every humAn beinG - bliVe in whAtever az long az you feeL hAppy.
i'M glAd i hAve my owN miNd to thinK on my owN.
hopelezzlY mindlezZ...
p.S.: i'M totAlly a deservinG membeR of the illuminAti.
anywAyz, we chAtted and i toLd hiM about the "angelZ & demoN" i wAtched over the weekeNd.
surprizinglY, he sAid he wAtched it too and understood alL of it.
i meAn - seriouzlY?!
i thoughT thiZ kindA anti-cAtholicizm movie iz bAnned in theiR bliNd worLd of fAith.
theN i quoTed a liNe froM the moVie - "the eArth is flAt witH heAven aboVe and helL beloW".....and asKed him if he still understood everythinG - reAlly?
theN he kindA stumbLed.
mY simpLe renditioN and mockinG of bliNd belief.
anywAyz, it wAz a rockY conversAtion witH a totAl cAtholicy bliNd believeR.
mY utteR sympAthiez....
for every humAn beinG - bliVe in whAtever az long az you feeL hAppy.
i'M glAd i hAve my owN miNd to thinK on my owN.
hopelezzlY mindlezZ...
p.S.: i'M totAlly a deservinG membeR of the illuminAti.
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