Saturday, October 31, 2009

情人的眼泪 = mY lover'Z teArz...


蔡琴'z soulfuL voice hAuntz the sAdnezz demoN in me.

juZ fouNd a liVe versioN of 蓉蓉-chAn'z "最后一夜"....


p.S.: 9 more minZ to the nexT digestioN reAction~


whoAh...froM the relAted linkZ of "最后一夜" fouNd thiZ clAssic:

gettinG too sAppy...

iz there be a neurotrAnzmitter thAt cAn stimulAte neuronAl chAngez whicH leAd to memorY lozZ?

... ;(

最后一夜。。。 ;(

me noW in lAb.....drAnk a beeR (mAgic hAt)....wAiting for my restriction digesT.....shouLd be plAnning the nexT stepz for thiZ cloninG thinG....

buT kepT listeninG to a sAd sonG 蓉蓉-chAn senT me:

a sonG whicH i wisH wilL neveR end.


爱你一生一世。。。 ;(

wAz exchAnging sAd songZ witH 蓉蓉-chAn...and me now repeAting thiZ sonG:

it'Z from a very old hongkonG dramA seriAl titLed 《京华春梦》 whicH me wAtched with my makmAk....the femAle leAd sAng thiZ song whiLe she heLd her dyinG huzbAnd in her armZ....

makmAk totAlly loveZ thiZ the extenT she requesTed me to set thiZ aZ her ringtoNe~

the song iZ abouT lovinG someoNe for one lifespAn...but it stilL seemZ insufficienT...

ultrA sAd... ;(

Friday, October 30, 2009

deAr old irelAnd...whAt wilL i do?

whAt to do..?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the futuRe iz neAr...

"the sAme fAce at the sAme time but at a differenT veNue,
or the sAme plAce at the sAme tiMe digeztinG a strAnger'z fAce?

seArching for hAppinezz in the yeArning dreAm..
the nowZ hAve beeN trAnzformed into old photogrAphz of the futuRe.

mY pursuiT of loVe wilL eventuAlly becoMe heArty shArdz...
we cAn only chooZe to forgO ouR hAppinezz.

the differenT seNses arouNd me...
eludeZ the necessitieZ of thiZ dizabLed worLd.

the summeR hAz growN oLd...
i'Ve gotteN uzed to the dArk nighT.

liKe a shoAl of bliNd fisheS yeArning for the seA...
loVe iz a torrenT of smoKe igniTed by grievAnce.

liKe roAming repeAtedly in a pAthlezz foresT....
a burninG heArt iz a nAtural refleX actioN of stronG desireZ....

mY pursuiT of loVe wilL eventuAlly becoMe heArty shArdz...
we cAn only chooZe to forgO ouR hAppinezz.

the differenT senseS arouNd me...
eludeZ the necessitieZ of thiZ dizabLed worLd.

mY lonelinezZ hAz growN oLd...
i alreAdy belonG to the dArk nighT...

liKe a memorY zippeR roAming the streetZ...
unzippinG the detAilz of my pAst...
of courZe...the deAd boundAriez..
circumsribeZ youR fAce...
eveN thougH i dizregArd my sillinezZ...
you'Ve fAntasized az welL...
scourinG for flowerZ withiN the flowerlezZ fruiT foresT.

forgoinG mY hopeZ for mY futuRe...
relinquishinG my wildnezZ of yezterdAy...
whAt kiNd of worLd wilL tomorroW be?
who wilL stilL be arouNd me?
lozinG the abilitY to loVe.
regArdlezz tAking or givinG...
iz my previouZ loVe stilL existinG?!

i'Ve wAnted to stArt aneW for countlezZ timeZ...
the pAst keepZ passinG...the futuRe keepZ arrivinG...
i onlY hAve noW.

@ the sAme plAce, @ the sAme tiMe, witH the sAme fAce...
the sAme me witH mY sAme heArt hAving an epiphAny..
fAust losT hiz wAy severAl timeZ in my dreAm...
perhApz he hAz fouNd the lonG-losT missinG piece...

like the bliNd seAsonz thAt keeP cyclinG...
dAwn wilL arrive no mAtter how lonG and dArk the nighT iz...
liKe a giAnt pAthlezz foresT thAt broke the skY..
i finAlly understood thAt life requireZ a necessAry incisioN...
to alloW the sun rAyz to shiNe into mY life...
buT the rAyz have not arriVed...

the futuRe iz cominG sooN."


Saturday, October 24, 2009

illZ junior'Z bAbyish emAil~!!!!!


me fouNd thiZ emAil in my outboX and i'M so surpriZed illZ junioR senT an emAil to weN-mei and huA-mei~!!!!

trulY impressiVe whAt mY bAby alreAdy cAn do wheN he'Z so younG...... <3


p.S.: yeA.....totAlly lAme-ified??? LOL~!!!!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

illZ junioR~!!!!!!!!!!

hoW betteR cAn i exprezZ mY thAnkfulnezz otheR thAn a boLd videO creAtion????

thAnkzzZ to weN-mei and huA-mei for rememberinG my verY oLd bloG entrY complAining abt the lAck of koalAz in the singAporean BABW....

seriouzlY........very verY ultrA thoughtfuL~!!!!!!!!!!

thiZ intercontinentAl bdAy celebrAtion~~~ hahAaa~~~

mY worLd iz brighteNed~~~ ^o^

illZ junioR sAyz hihI~!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

secreT dreAmboat + desertouZ corAl oceAn

"onlY wheN i sleeP" by The Corrs

i simplY loVe thiZ sonG and hoW theY cAn perforM totAlly liVe.......wisH i wAz there.

theY alwAyz hAve the purezT and loveliezT songZ.....whicH i cAn simplY looP...

determiNed to add theM to mY pAndora tomorroW.....hmM, i alreAdy hAve 3 artisteZ thougH.......shAll mAke the cHoice tomorroW!!!!!!!

drinkinG cAndy...dyinG in mY sleeP - neveR.

p.S.: where'Z mY onlY secreT dreAmboat????????? mY corAl oceAn iz desertouZ.

p.p.S.: i wilL neveR die on a hAwaiian higH.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

no sleeP.

eveN thougH i don'T understAnd thiZ chineZe diAlect....i reAd the lyricZ and it iZ reAlly meAningful.

it'Z abouT sAd mizzfuL thoughtZ...thAt cAuzed insomniA.


... ...

sodAgreen dezcriptioN:
"thiZ iz a monoloGue of someoNe wAiting for loVe. he wAitz withouT regretZ - yeArning foR hiZ loVe. he hopeZ loVe cAn trAnzfigure hiM to flY witH wingZ....but the endlezZ wAiting trAnzmogrified hiM into a fisH bAnished from itZ poNd..."

"no sleeP" bY sodAgreen.

dizclAimer: the chineZe iz too profound for me to trAnzlate foR some i'M juZ gonnA improviZe. ;P

"the plAnetary goddezZ beztowZ wArm rAyz onto me...
keepinG my loVe unfrozeN...
keepinG me feelinG tirelezZ...
(yeT the fisheS are dyinG underneAth the gArden...)

you knoW hoW mucH i mizZ you...
do you hAve the sAme dreAm az me???
on the dAy of ouR reunioN...
ouR reciprocAl loVe iz thuZ proveN...

deeP in youR heArt...
am i stilL in existeNce???
i'M eternAlly wAiting...
witH occAsional unwillinG shiverZ...

i wannA flY awAy togetheR witH you...
to a beAutiful plAce tRue to ouR heArtz...
me lettinG you tAke chArge of ouR everythinG...
me hopinG you wilL understAnd me...

i don'T cAre how mucH tiMe...
hoW mucH rheuM...
or hoW mucH disAppointmentz i muZ tolerAte.
i don'T cAre if you returN wheN i'M cryinG...
actuAlly...i wondeR...
whY i simplY juZ hAve to wAit...
yeZ i juZ hAve to wAit...
you'Re mY oNe and onlY loVe.

bcuZ you'Re you,
i wilL definitelY keeP wAiting."

a beAutiful.......and sAd sonG.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

juZ bubbleZ... >.<

i spenT the pAst 2+ hourZ in my bAthroom...

moRe thAn 0.5 the tiMe wAz spenT cleAning witH my lAtest cleAnlinezz wArrior:

i wAnted to cleAn my bAthroom siNce sooooo loooooooonG.

noW mY bAthtub and sinK are finAlly spArkling cleAn - enN!!!

it'Z confirMed thAt cleAning cleAnsez fruztrAtion and unhAppinezz.

and dizagreementZ.

i hAte.

i see.

i infeR.

i irK.

i loVe - trulY.

i wondeR?

i shouldn'T.

i speNd.

i splurGe~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i pAmper.

i stoP.

i fruztrAte.

i leArn?

i smiLe.

i yelL.

i don'T understAnd.

i don'T truzT.

i sinG.

i lizteN.

i understAnd - enN.

i truzT - trulY.

i mizZ - lotzzZ.....

i drinK - aloooooooT.

i thinK.

i'M stilL aliVe.


deliriuM tremenZ

the propeR wAy to enjoY thiZ pArticular beeR:


Thursday, October 08, 2009

busted ttttttttttT


4 hahaaaaaaa==A dizco stiK! <

3 educAted tez

jZ buZ ssotry al gme

a pinK elephAnt drinkinG cAndy~

wenT to "the wiNe souRce" (a liqouR stoRe) witH joe and morAssa (my lAbberz) in ben'Z wonderfuL refilL ouR lAb'z beeR fridGe~

and i gAined 2 more loverZ:

scouTed for deliriuM tremenZ cuZ adAm texTed me it'Z reAlly nice.....welL it'Z too gAssy for me buT i simplY loVe the pAckaging.....witH thAt pinK elephAnt~

bAileyz!!!!!!!!! remindZ me of a mAriah sonG thAt sAyz "sippinG bAileyz creAm...bY the stereO...." juZ sippinG bAiley'z creAm by mY mAcbook prO~

wheN wilL my fruztrAtionend ?QA

begAnaaaaaa my 26tH yeAr of life deliriouzlY...

Monday, October 05, 2009

fellZ poinT fuN fezT~

begAn my sundAy lAte.....

and reAlized it'Z unwiZe to begiN my westerN bloT @ 4pM....

so i wAlked arouNd downtowN witH mingliAng (mY neW houzemAte who cookZ nice food for me!!!)...

mingliAng juZ arrived in the stAtez for abouT a montH...and he'Z a posTdoc in neuroscieNce~ (yeZ...i'M the juniorezT in mY houZe...buT i'M the houZe manAger yoZ!!)

wheN we reAched fellZ wAz soooO croWded!!!

i didn'T knoW it wAz the annuAl fellZ poinT fuN fezT~!!!! no wondeR KS wanted to go fellZ yezterdAy and she asKed me, buT duH?! she didn'T botheR tellinG me there'Z a festivAl?! mAybe she doezn'T i assuMed it'Z juZ drinkinG and meAninglezz pubbinG witH peopLe i'M not cloZe to....of courZe i juZ denied and stAyed in my lAb.


so glAd i tooK a breAk froM lAb todAy...and sAw theZe interestinG thingZ:

a clAssic red couPe~!!!!!!

a clAssic bAby bLue couPe~!!!

soMe huGe meAt roAster...LOL~

the cAucasian guY neAr me wAz surpriZed too...and he sAid to me thAt thiZ amounT of meAt iz whAt he consumeZ in 5 yeArz?! welL i lAughed and toLd hiM i've neveR seeN anythinG like thAt in asiA....theN anotheR cAucasian lAdy neAr us sAid she sAw a similAr one in germAny~

americAnz are verY friendlY az theY juZ chAt witH anyoNe~


wAlked and shopPed soooO mucH...buT i controlLed and didn'T buY anY shirT...buT it wAz fuN pickinG topZ for mingliAng to buY~ ;P

oH and mingliAng treAted me dinneR @ P.F. Chang'z~


Sunday, October 04, 2009

~myrnA of tenpAchi~

trApped myseLf @ hoMe tryinG (yeZ - tryinG) to preP for my G.B.O......and losT alL my spikeZ yoZ....

tempTed to keeP lonG hAir agAin - buT of courZe not!!

bcuZ i kindA losT my hAirdresser and my sAlon siNce the formeR retiRed and the lAtter cloZed dowN - duH...

anywAyz...i finAlly decided to exploRe the mAin brAnch of the sAlon i frequenT and i'M so glAd i did!!!!

bAck to tenpAchi~

it'Z @ a funneR locAtion (thougH not AZ sAfe) and it'Z mucH niceR afteR theY expAnded!!!

thAnkz to a bloNde senioR stylisT nAmed myrnA (pronouNced az meR-nA):

she did an amAzing job az you cAn see:

me prActising to be a vAmpire for hAlloween - juZ imAgine longeR fAngz!!!

oK bAck to me beinG normAl....or abnormAl??? LOL~

thAnkz myrnA~!!!

p.S.: shAll scouT for vAmpirey fAngz....hahAaa~

p.p.S.: in mY photoZ, me wAz weAring thiZ ultrA comfY koreAn-styLed pyjAmaz froM hAng-ni-mAh'z pArentz...yAy~!!!

pAmpering myseLf witH jAybird~

wireZ froM eArphonez are simplY annoyinG....

so i spLurged on jAybird freedoM~!!!!

it'Z a pAir of wirelezZ bLuetooth heAdset....amAzing cAn be pAired to any bLuetooth'Z pAired to my:

1. iPod Touch
2. MacBook Pro
3. Mobile Phone
4. 3.5mm jAck adAptor

the finAl iteM allowZ me to listeN to anythinG (witH 3.5mm jAck) wirelesslY~!! mY TV....mY desktoP in mY lAb......anythinG oldeR and withouT bluetootH yoZ~!!!

mY cooL jAybird perchinG on mY reflectiVe iPod toucH~

izn'T technologY beAutiful and amAzing?? helL yeA~!!!!

me shouLd be thriftY....buT i promiZed myseLf to get thiZ oNce i pAzzed my G.B.O.....and i ordeRed it oNce i pAzzed on mondAy~!!!!! hahAaaa....

onlY i wilL pAmper myseLf soooO....pAmperishly~

p.S.: proveN agAin...moneY cAn buY me hAppinezz~~~ ;P

rockZ and pebbleZ~

wAz chAtting with luckY and jAckie....and me suddenlY cAme up witH thiz phrAze:

"We ROCK!! We're not just pebbles....yo!!!!" here i propoZe to mAke it into our progrAm t-shirT:

(bAckground imAge from googlinG "biG rocK")

buT of courZe it shAll not mAterialize - too lAme~!!! ;P

and onlY i wilL weAr it if it eveR getZ prinTed...LOL~

alwAyz be the rocK amongzT the pebbleZ~!!!!

~possibly impossibLe~

i loVe creAtive wordplAyz *kudoZ to jAson mrAz~!!*....

and i cAme up witH thiZ for my lAb meetinG a coupLe of weekZ bAck......

it shouLd be originAl cuZ googLe doeZn't shoW any hitz~!!! ;P

seLf quotAtion:

"Remember, there is always a possible within impossible~!!!!"

possiblY impossibLe~

a greenY simpLe life~

thiZ sonG beginZ my everydAy.....qingfeng'Z soothinG vocAlz simplY lighteN mY footstepZ az i wAlk towArdz my lAb~

the 1sT liNe iz an ongoinG uncertAinty.....wonderinG if the suN setZ in heAven?

"simpLe life" bY sodAgreen...

"mAybe sunsetZ are ofteN in heAven az welL...?
mAybe alL the drumZ who denY reAlity...
secretlY vibrAte my eAr drumZ...

the kAleidoscope withiN my rAdio...
iz unabLe to withhoLd my awAkening dreAm..
i wannA wAke up...buT i'M juZ too weAk...

i thoughT abouT ezcAping...
buT the guilT froM yezterdAy stAined my sleeVez agAin...

bAlloonz filLed witH my lonelinezZ riZe towArdz the skY...
i wannA abandoN alL the phonY promiseS...

i wilL be leAding my kiNd of life...
simplY withouT the extrAvagance of relAxation...

leAding my kiNd of life...withiN youR lovelY kingdoM...

leAding my kiNd of life...simpLy bloominG the silhouetteZ of my creAtivity~

listeninG to you shoutinG - whAt a simpLe life~"

mY life iz simpLe - or noT.