a myzteriouz feelinG~
wAz at my wednezdAy reztAurant EDH and thiz song stArted playing once i sAt down...
sucH a clAssic.
thoughtz of you conjure a myzteriouz feelinG~
like shAdowz...they follow me arouNd...
silentlY and unexpectedlY, they overtAke the bottoM of my heArt~
swiftlY...they shroud me in lonelinezzZ...
i'M powerlzzly defenzelezz...esp after dusK~
i think of you tiL i loze my breAth...
i hAte that i cAn't run towArdz you right at thiz momenT...
to telL you aloud thAt...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG to loze myseLf...
if onlY i could dock in your armz for one more secoNd...
i wouLd forego my worLd...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG to be exiLed...
az long az you reciprocAte my love with your true loVe...
i'M willinG to giVe up everythinG...
for you, i'M willinG to giVe up everythinG~
illZ w.h.Y?
sucH a clAssic.
thoughtz of you conjure a myzteriouz feelinG~
like shAdowz...they follow me arouNd...
silentlY and unexpectedlY, they overtAke the bottoM of my heArt~
swiftlY...they shroud me in lonelinezzZ...
i'M powerlzzly defenzelezz...esp after dusK~
i think of you tiL i loze my breAth...
i hAte that i cAn't run towArdz you right at thiz momenT...
to telL you aloud thAt...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG to loze myseLf...
if onlY i could dock in your armz for one more secoNd...
i wouLd forego my worLd...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG...
for you, i'm willinG to be exiLed...
az long az you reciprocAte my love with your true loVe...
i'M willinG to giVe up everythinG...
for you, i'M willinG to giVe up everythinG~
illZ w.h.Y?
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