Thursday, January 16, 2014

trAianvs = trAianuz~


needed a good noizY sonG to blAzt with my sennheiserzzZ whiLe in lAb...

and thiz line + tune kepT cominG uP......

"plz plz don'T go...don'T telL me thAt it'z oveR..."

tiL i finAlly recAlled whicH sonG it wAz:

"amoR infinituz" bY imperiO.

who iz....tryAno?

amoR infinituZ.

Monday, January 06, 2014


there are 3 voices thAt i listeN to...wheN i am supeR vexed.

listeninG to theM...somehoW bringz peAce to my miNd.

and thiz iz one of theM:

"neveR groW oLd" by the crAnberriez.

whY doez growinG old meAn hAving to deAl witH so mucH troublezzZ?

thAnkz ting-eR for intro-inG me to thiz sonG~
