Monday, June 22, 2009

pAtron silveR joo-sAy-yo~

hAng-ni-mah'z returninG to koreA for hiZ holidAy...and todAy we wenT for ouR finAl shoppinG triP...futuRe tripZ will be afteR hiZ returN in verY mAny dAyz!!

hahAa....and i boughT 2 j-creW topZ durinG ouR shorT and quicK visiT to j-creW @ arundel millZ~ thAnkz to dR. kAng - ouR shoppinG inhibitoR....otherwiZe i wouLd hAve spenT 30 buckZ buyinG a verY cuTe buT imprActical bAg...;P

whiLe hAng-ni-mah wAz drivinG...i noticed he likeZ to puT hiZ lefT hAnd out of the windoW:

he sAid he likeZ the feelinG of wiNd agAinzt hiZ pAlm... ;P

so i folloWed suiT~ hahAaa...

and alonG the wAy....the cloudZ were simplY beAutiful...:

thiZ one waZ tAken througH the mooNroof~!! ;)

and of courZe...i returNed witH 2 neW loverZ:

chivAz regAl (scotcH whizkY)

pAtron silveR (premiuM tequilA)

the pAtron silveR pAckaging iz so gorgeouZ - in mY fAvourite greeN~!!! ^O^

oh, we manAged to fiNd an awesoMe koreAn liqouR stoRe thAt openZ eveN on sundAyz~!!!!! ;P

pAtron silveR joo-sAy-yo~

p.S.: joo-sAy-yo = giVe it to me. thAt wAz the phrAze i uzed to ordeR my premiuM tequilA at the liquoR stoRe counteR....sAying it withouT eveN knowinG whAt it meAnt initiAlly...;P


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