Friday, June 26, 2009

leAve me aloNe - noW.

juZ added my 3rd artisTe to my lAb'z pAndora chAnnel - every lAbber hAz 3 artisTe choices...

mY choiceS:

1. cArrie undeRwood
2. sheryL croW
3. nAtalie imbrugliA

juZ heArd "leAve me aloNe" bY nAtalie imbrugliA, and it simplY strucK me witH itZ stronG and poignAnt lyricZ.

no officiAl videO fouNd, but thiZ iz the sonG:

the bAckground sonG iz "leAve me aloNe" bY nAtalie imbrugliA.

leAve me aloNe!!!!! (quoTe of my fridAy)


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