Sunday, June 21, 2009

dininG tAble....

abouT a coupLe of weekZ ago, i wenT witH hAng-ni-mah, dR. kAng, and e-boN-nu-na-yA (koreAn mafiA) to ikeA @ whiTe mArsh - finAlly i visiTed ikeA in the stAtez!!! ;P

it'Z exActly the sAme interioR az the ikeA in singApore....but the whoLe feelinG iz differenT....

the previouZ time i wAz @ ikeA wAz with my fAmily in singApore...and we were at ikeA lookinG for a suitAble dininG tAble for our kitcheN....

thiZ tiMe i wAz roAming in ikeA witH the koreAn mafiA and i sAw the sAme exAct dininG tAble my fAmily boughT juZ befoRe i fleW here to the stAtez:

thiZ tAble iz ovAl - buT it cAn be shrunK into a round tAble!

who wouLd thinK an ikeA triP wouLd remiNd me of my fAmily soooo mucH...

anticipAting to dine with my fAmily at ouR ikeA tAble....hopefullY durinG the cominG chineZe new yeAr for ouR reunioN dinneR...



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