Saturday, June 27, 2009

ponderinG in "betweeN"...

i juZ reAlized the existeNce of a girL nAmed viennA tenG.

a muzic tAlent who composeS and singZ witH her beAutiful voice.

her lyricZ are deeP...

esp. "betweeN":


we aRe not togetheR heRe...
thougH we lie entwiNed...


theRe oNce wAz a tiMe i wAz suRe of the boNd..
wheN my hAndz and my tonGue and mY thoughtZ weRe enougH...
we aRe the sAme but our liveZ moVe alonG...
and the 3rd one betweeN replAces whAt oNce wAz loVe.


the swellinG fermatA...
az the choRd dieZ.


freedoM iz beinG aloNe.


"betweeN" by viennA tenG.

liVe performAnce of "betweeN"...

the bAckground iz soooo noizY for the liVe performAnce, but my commenT:

"perhApz the solitAry sAdnezz withiN the heArt iz amplified amongzT the nonchAlent crowd. ;("

wilL a loVe replAcement be thorougH and compleTe?

ponderinG...movinG alonG...


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