hey-yA, illZ heRe. welcoMe to my zoNe - illZone - wheRe i alloW you to view my uniQue miNd. fAte bringz you to my zoNe, and i bliVe you will lingeR around in tiMe to come...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
don't TOUCH me...~
"i don'T wAnt you to TOUCH me bAby.....you go toileT...neveR wAsh hAndz righT?"
LOL....gosH, i woKe especiAlly eArly todAy...and sAw thiZ vid on vicVic'z bloG:
"wAsh youR hAndz" bY mr. browN shoW...
oK, thiZ video iZ actuAlly relAted to swiNe flu - it hAz finAlly infecTed singApore!!
woW...kudoS to hoW "pigZ cAn flY"~
deAth rAtez roze to 15 here in the stAtez...and the numbeR of confirMed cAses roZe amAzingly...i shouLd do a revieW of cAses and updAte agAin...
wheN my zikziK heArd thAt i injuRed my fooT....and wAz lAming arouNd...she immediAtely senT me a pAcket of Hisamitsu plasterZ...
thAt wAs almosT hAlf a montH ago...and it finAlly arriVed!!
it'Z fAster to posT thingZ ouT of the stAtez thAn receivinG thingZ froM out of stAtez...
i mizZed the postmAn agAin...and hAd to wAlk to the postoffice to collecT it siNce it'Z a regizteRed mAil.
afteR wAlking to and fro tWice......i finAlly got my letteR!!
wheN i 1sT arriVed for collectioN....the postoffice lAdy refuZed my collectioN siNce the letteR wAz addrezZed to "yueN zAi" which iz whAt zikziK cAllz me.....so i hAd to fetcH documentZ thAt shoW mY addresS....aH...
wheN i finAlly cAn collecT it, the scAnner refuZed to scAn the bAr code on the letteR!! aH....i exclAimed "nothinG cAn stoP me froM gettinG thiZ letteR!!!" jokinglY...and the postoffice lAdy lAughed....
here it iZ:
zikziK uZed a "groovY" seAl! ;P
and she senT a cArd alonG witH it...:
"moment by momenT"...
wordZ of encourAgement are az followZ:
"moment by momenT....do noT looK bAck and pondeR oveR whAt mighT hAve beeN, noR be troubLed abouT the yeAr aheAd for it hAz yeT to coMe, liVe todAy to the fullezT and mAke it beAutiful so thAt it wilL be wortH rememberinG..."
the grAduate immunologY exAmz ended abouT 12:30pM.....i submitTed my pAper @ about 12:29pM - feelinG fiNe~
az usuAl...i bliVe it shouLd be ok to pAzz~ enougH of competinG witH anyoNe....there'Z no competitioN in grAduate schooL....me juZ hAve to pAzz and gAin the requiRed creditZ...i juZ wisH agAin i hAve spenT moRe tiMe studyinG to strengtheN mY immunO. conceptZ...
alSo, i retrieVed one of mY otheR exAm resultZ (infectiouZ diseAses AM) together witH tizzY~ tizzY scoRed 1 poinT moRe thAn me and i got the sAme scoRe az hAng-ni-mah~ so glAd we're in the 80z rAnge - a sAfety rAnge thAt deemZ us a secuRed pAzz~ ^o^
it'Z the 1sT tiMe i hAd a solO luncH witH tizzY~ so hAppy.....i'Ve alwAyz felT thiZ nAtural and comfortAble abilitY to chAt and get alonG welL witH tizzY~ she'Z sucH a perfecT girL~!!! i'M so glAd i hAve coMe to knoW tizzY~ ^o^
we hAd a looooonG luncH....and a looooonG chAt......and i reAlized we shAre alot of commoN viewZ.....and i'M glAd she'Z willinG to be there to supporT me mentAlly wheneveR i need soMe encourAgement...i trulY need soMe verY sooN - kudoS to tizzY...the californiAn girL~!! ^O^
tizzY loveZ the unicorN....and i loVe koAlaz~ and we botH weAr turtLe/tortoiZe accessorieZ~ hahAaa...;P
anywAyz...finAlly i ended lAbworK @ abouT 6+pM *so tiRed!!!* i onlY slepT intermittentlY liKe a coupLe of hourz lAst nighT due to exAm prepAration....i'M livinG on cAffeine - agAin.
anywAyz...wheN i finAlly cAn go hoMe.....it begAn drizzlinG...and the rAin juZ "heAvified" az i wAlked....
and wAlked........
and wAlked...
..througH the "jesuS dooR"...througH the hopkinZ hozpitAl...
i alwAyz avoid wAlking in the rAin cuZ my muM sAyz i wilL fAll sicK......
buT todAy.....i enjoYed wAlking in the rAin.
initiAlly, i irKed it.
buT progressivelY, insteAd of wAlking fAster....i sloWed dowN my pAce....and smiLed as i strolLed througH heAven'z teArz - i alwAyz thinK the sky'Z cryinG wheneveR it rAinz.....
"rAin" bY mAvis fAn. (mAndarin)
"rAin.....fAlling in my heArt?? i stilL heAr youR voice withiN mY heArt..the worLd chAnges az you chAnge....i'M trulY losT..."
skY, whY did you crY?
skY, don'T crY witH me...
skY, plZ smiLe for me...witH youR lovelY cloudZ and rAinbowz...
one of mY fAvorite songZ to sinG @ karAoke....90% of the tiMe i sinG it in mAndarin....buT i reAlized the choruZ of the cAntoneze versioN iz quiTe fAzcinating...:
"a looooonG nighT" bY kit chAn and williAm sO...(cAntoneze)
it'Z liKe a shootinG stAr chAnging itZ directioN...... allowinG us to fAll in loVe...
it'Z liKe a lonG anticipAted mirAcle.. whicH finAlly cAme tRue...
it'Z liKe the widezT lAnd and the furthezT skY... i bliVe thiZ night'Z gonnA be so loooonG...
it'Z liKe the flowinG wAter chAnging itZ directioN... allowinG us to fAll in loVe...
it'Z liKe chAsing afteR you in a seA of humAnz... and i finAlly cAught up witH you...
the unimAginable iz righT in fronT of ouR eyeZ... and ouR loVe amAzingly merGed the seA and the skY....
todAy'z a tougH dAy.....the onlY thinG thAt trulY mAde me smiLe wAz a surpriZe shorT goodnighT texT messAge froM adAm......
noW, i shAll speNd a coupLe of minuteZ expozinG mY reAlly horribLe houzemAte - he totAlly ruiNed my impressioN of alL peruvianZ.
he'Z the 1sT peruviaN i'Ve eveR knowN, and he'z sucH a disAppointment.
surprizinglY on a Full Bright Scholarship?! oH plZ...hiZ personAl chAracter and lifestyLe deemed hiM a totAl wAste of federAl fundZ!
whY? an typicAl exAmple:
it'Z 11:15pM.....he begAn wAshing hiZ clotheZ witH the wAshing mAchine and wAtching comedY tV - horrbiLe bcuZ:
1. 11:15pM - dR. Li usuAlly sleepZ bY 10:30pM to 11pm...doezn'T thAt peruviaN hAve any commoN seNze it'Z alreAdy normAl bedtiMe?! usuAlly i sleeP bY 10:30pM too!!
2. the wAshing mAchine'z in the bAzement...buT it'Z a freAking whirlpooL wAshing mAchine.........of courZe we alL cAn heAr it spinninG and feedinG in wAter!!
3. TV - it'Z in the livinG rooM on the 1sT flooR....bedroomZ on the 2nd flooR, buT for God'z sAke......the voluMe iz so loud i cAn heAr it in mY room (doorZ clozed).
4. on toP of thAt, i'M studyinG for my exAm tomorroW! duH!!
"sileNce" imAge frooM googLe...
i juZ cAme uP froM downstAirz askinG hiM to loweR dowN whAtever noize he'Z mAking.
i cAnnot wAit for thiZ freAk to moVe out...hopefullY in 1 month'Z tiMe..!!! stoP wAsting preciouZ federAl fundZ~!!! besideZ, he dirtieZ the kitcheN and everywheRe...he'Z unfAithful to hiZ wife...i pitY hiZ wife and chiLd...he'Z an utteR shAme to cAtholicism - he'Z simplY dizgustinG and hopelezZ.
he'Z alreAdy 40+ yrZ oLd and he stilL hAz no bAsic commoN sensicAl considerAcy.
i stronglY doubT hiZ qualificAtion to reside in the cAtholic heAven - if it existZ...
somehoW....my chiLdhood memorieZ are verY minimAl......
2 songZ froM "an americAn tAil" iz exceptionAlly viVid in my miNd througH theZe yeArz...
"neveR sAy neveR"....
adAm juZ cAlled to checK on me (of courZe i'M stilL aliVe)...and somehoW i juZ toLd and sAng to hiM thAt "neveR sAy neveR" onlY hAz one liNe that iz on repeAt - "neveR sAy neveR whAtever you do"....which iZ mY bAd.....hahAa...it hAz a buncH of lyricZ to it lAh....and thiZ sonG alwAyz giveZ me pozitivitY wheneveR i need to perK uP my spiritZ...
"somewheRe ouT theRe"...
aH...aren'T theZe songZ perfecT??? kudoZ to theiR creAtorz...
"an americAn tAil" iz sucH a clAssic...i thinK i cAn wAtch it on repeAt...shAll hunT foR it onliNe or somethinG....afteR the huGe impossibLe exAmz...
neveR sAy neveR beneAth the pAle moonlighT... ;) illZ...
"uncompArable beAuty" - sodAgreen (liVe witH bösendorfeR piAno)
the kite'Z flyinG in the skY... the humAnz are chAsing on the grouNd...
you don'T hAve to worrY if you cAnnot flY... bcuZ you wilL hAve mY butterflY...
the kite'Z flyinG in the skY... the humAnz are chAsing on the grouNd...
i don'T hAve to worrY if i cAnnot flY... bcuZ i wilL hAve youR grAssland...
hey heyZ...you dezcriBe me az the uncompArable beAuty of thiZ worLd.. hey heyZ...i knoW in turN you aRe the uncompArable beAuty of thiZ worLd...
the kite'Z flyinG in the skY... the humAnz are chAsing on the grouNd...
you don'T hAve to worrY if you cAnnot flY... bcuZ you wilL hAve mY butterflY...
hey heyZ...you knoW i wilL sAcrifice mY life foR you wheN you need a summeR... hey heyZ...i knoW thAt you wilL giVe me protectioN wheN i'm an escApee...
the kite'Z flyinG in the skY... the humAnz are chAsing on the grouNd...
you don'T hAve to worrY if you cAnnot flY... bcuZ you wilL hAve mY butterflY...
i don'T hAve to worrY if i cAnnot flY... bcuZ i wilL hAve youR grAssland...
afteR i regAined sober-nezZ....i checKed my emAil...
there hAzn't beeN anythinG thAt reAlly mAkez me hAppy.....finAlly a life-impActing evenT trulY mAde me smiLe.
i receiVed an emAil froM beN officiAlly acceptinG me into The Park Lab! ^o^
a pictuRe froM the Park Lab website!!!!
beN'z humoR iz amAzing....and hiZ smArt and crAzy reseArch ideAz fAscinate me....i'M trulY glAd to "leArn how to leArn" undeR hiZ guidAnce.
the lAb cultuRe he creAted iz verY friendlY and fuN...hahAaa....lAb memberZ are no doubT fuN-lovinG! ;P
it'Z a kind of fAte...bcuZ befoRe i eveN fleW here to the stAtez...beN wAz mAtched to be my interiM supervisoR....and wheN i visiTed hiZ websiTe...it juZ mAkez me smile @ hoW funnY hiZ lAb cAn be....
wheN i arriVed here in the stAtez...i meT witH hiM not to rotAte witH hiM but for advice on wheRe to rotAte........in shorT i'M so luckY!! ^o^
for anY Ph.D. studenT...the thesiS lAb iz cruciAl............and i'M glAd i'M officiAlly Park-ed.
so i woKe @ ~1pm juZ now - feelinG doublY horribLe...cuZ not onlY i don'T feeL liKe gettinG uP, i feeL liKe vomitinG too.....thiZ hAngover feelinG trulY suckZ.
imAge froM all4humor.com~
adAm cAlled and kindA lAughed.....thougH he sAid he DONT like me drinkinG...(no one likeZ me drinkinG!) buT i wilL keeP drinkinG...and no one cAn stoP me...hahAaa.......
tooK a showeR...and i don'T feeL liKe eAting, so i mAde miLo....it'Z beeN verY lonG since i drAnk miLo....
it'Z amAzing thAt i reAlized i blogGed whiLe drinkinG - i couLd stilL bloG properlY eh....interestinG.
anotheR amAzing thinG iz i senT out crAzy texT messAges withouT eveN knowinG. thiZ iz surprizinG cuZ i alwAyz isolAte myseLf wheN i drinK...i switcH off mY phoNe and locK mY dooR...
in shorT - i don'T reAlly know whAt hAppened, i'M glAd i'M a sAfe drinkeR cuZ i drinK aloNe...smArt righT? ;P
ah, i hAve leArnt not to drinK thAt mucH anymoRe...
so, bcuZ hAng-ni-mah seemZ to refuZe to driVe me to the liquoR stoRe (foR mY own good cuZ he thinkZ i'M addicTed to alcohoL....).......
i brAinstormed and reAlized thAt there'z a liqouR stoRe verY neAr lucky'Z wymAnn'z apArtment - juZ arouNd the homewood cAmpuz - whicH iz verY sAfe!!!
so i ended lAbworK eArly todAy and zooMed viA the hopkinZ shuttLe to thAt liquoR stoRe to geT thiZ:
finAlly - blAck lAbel bY johnnie wAlker
and of courZe i boughT anotheR bottLe of henessY vsoP cuZ i'M finishinG mY 1sT bottLe az i'M typinG thiZ afteR testinG the blAck lAbel.........LOL....
i reAlized thAt whizkY iZ mucH eAzier to drinK compAred to vsoP (brAndy).....thougH lezZ flAvory.....and lezZ stingY................and aloT moRe mAlty.....
gottA wArm whizkY in mY mouth befoRe swAllowing yoZ..........
ok, i prefeR vsoP? aH i feeL so higH......sooooooo higH...
i wondeR whY don'T theY selL the mArtell vsoP?! duH?!
liqouR storeZ are juZ so vAriable here...........bAltimore liqouR storeZ juZ won'T ever selL cAmus vsoP righT? duH...........shAll try to geT it froM DC....
nexT uP - tequilA (mexicAn origiN)??!!
oH i feeL terriblY horribLe...........i shAll pAuze drinkinG tiL mY HUGE exAmz Are settLed. no moRe alcohoL tiL theN - no moRe yoZ..........
i'M not feelinG welL and i'M alcoholinG - i'M horribLe.....thiz simplY horribbleliZe me moRe.....no moRe....no moRe plZzZ............
i aM so not jA[[y adn deprezZed....buT alcohoL mAkez me smiLe - kudoZ to alcohoL - the wonderfullezT molecuLe eveR...................yeSD
higH in heAven - withouT blindlY blivinG in the 1 and onlY God. illZ.
adAm lAmbert shouLd be the americAn dioL 2009 - no doubT.
izn'T thiZ alL abouT meritocrAcy? definitelY noT.
i pAuzed americAn idolinG siNce cArrie underwood....buT, the mAjor difference iz...........when i wAnted to voTe for cArrie 4 yeArz ago, i couLd'nt.....noW i aM in the stAtez, i voTed for adAm 22 timeZ righT afteR the finAle........the hotliNe wAz trulY hoT........eveN tiL 1AM............................
buT thiZ worLd stilL remAined prejudiced, dizcriminAtive, and unfAir - whAt the fucK?! seriouslY - whAt the fucK????!!!!!!!!! *cursinG hAz beeN so eAzy*
beN introduced me to adAm lAmbert lAst weeK....adAm lAmbert'z a finAlist on americAn idoL.
touTed to be vocAlly amAzingly versAtile by beN....he seArched out the followinG cliP froM youtuBe:
"mAd worLd" bY adAm lAmbert...i especiAlly liKe the wAy he sAng "very verY" @ 1:20...
morAssa'z recommendAtion of hiM singinG "mAd worLd" iz certAinly awesoMe!! i loVe melAncholic lyricZ....perfectlY broughT to liVe witH feelingZ bY someoNe witH intrigueinG vocAlz - adAm lAmbert.
i muZ admiT i wAz reAlly surpriZed and attrActed bY thiZ voice....i'M listeninG to thiZ sonG whiLe typinG thiZ....ok, i'M proudlY repeAting it. and actuAlly, i'Ve beeN listeninG to it oftenlY siNce i heArd it witH beN and morassA.... ;)
i stopPed americAn idolinG siNce the cArrie undeRwood erA...........beN and morassA kindA broughT me bAck to thiZ lAtest seAson...whicH amAzed me. thougH there'Z only one episode lefT? it'Z neveR too lAte to voTe!!
adAm lAmbert - 2 simpLe wordZ thAt meAn alot to me. sepArately, adAm'z my amAzing muziciAn frieNd; lAmbert iz the nAme of the softoY sheeP of one of mY alreAdy losT secondAry schooL frieNd, jeanneAtte - i wondeR hoW she'Z now?
anywAyz...the otheR contestAnt (there'Re onlY 2 lefT) iz Kris Allen. if you'Re interesTed you cAn youtube hiM....buT trusT me, thougH i'M not muzicAlly trAined...adAm lAmbert definitelY hAz thAt speciAl voice and certAinly deserveZ to wiN more thAn anyoNe elZe!! Kris's singinG iz juZ....too normAl to me, no speciAl fActor...
i'M gonnA fiNd out hoW to voTe, bcuZ az beN sAid....it'Z tiMe for americA to hAve our verY firsT deservinglY tAlented gAy americAn idoL!!!!! ^O^
plZ proVe to me thiZ iz trulY the lAnd of the fRee and the lAnd of the brAve!! i leArnt thiZ froM mizZ swAn.... ;P
the alchY chef'Z tryinG some noveL cookinG agAin!!!!!
yezterdAy, hAng-ni-mah broughT me alonG for groceryinG...and we sAw @ H-mart (a koreAn supermArt) soMe tofu brotH and ultrA soft tofu....a houzewife-liKe salezlAdy wAz cookinG and inviTed us to tAste whAt she cooKed! it wAz awesoMe and we botH boughT soMe brotH and tofu to trY... ;P
i boughT 2 kindZ of tofu - ultrA sofT (for brotH) and firM (for fryinG witH a coAt of beAten egG)..
it wAz alreAdy 740pM wheN i reAched hoMe from lAb....abit lAte for fryinG....so i decided to trY cookinG the tofu brotH!
i added mY nicelY mArinated chickeN breAst....so it becAme a tofu chickeN brotH:
tofu chickeN brotH....the tofu wAz so soft it broKe into a millioN pieces!!
perfecT on rice and letTuce!!!!
i'M stilL so fulL........it'Z so deliciouZ!! welL i knoW it mAy not looK thAt nice......but seriouzlY, it'Z awesoMe!!!!
1. i'M not feelinG welL...buT i'M survivinG bY sleepinG helL lotZ oveR thiZ weekeNd...liKe 16hrZ a dAy...and gorginG dowN my herbAl syruP...
2. my dermAtologistz are not so optimiztic siNce i'M not rezpondinG to initiAl therApiez...
3. the infectiouZ diseaseZ/immunologY tAke-home exAm iz juZ so chAllenging....am i over-rAting it or iz it trulY so tougH? prActically slepT onlY 2 hrz on thurZ rushinG it..
4. argH - the cominG weekZ are tougH too.....2 more tAke-home exAmz on neuropAthology on cominG fridAy...theN immunologY in-clAzz finAlz @ the end of mAy.....
5. i hAve 2 presentAtionz thiZ weeK...wed and fri!!
6. i juZ receiVed a chAze letteR on mY studY loAn...buT i requesTed for moRe deservinG defermenT...interesT juZ keepZ rollinG...
7. the liqouR stoRe iz cloZed on sundAy!!!
whiLe i hAve more thingZ to bloG....i gottA get bAck to my presentAtion prepAration.....
meAnwhile, my miNd keepZ plAying a reAlly romAntic sonG titLed "sAve the lAst dAnce for me":
the drifterZ - "sAve the lAst dAnce foR me"
the drifterZ (aboVe) iz the originAl performeR.....theN michAel bubLe re-perforMed it:
michAel bubLe - "sAve the lAst dAnce foR me"...
"so dArlin', sAve the lAst dAnce foR me.." illZ...
p.S.: duH...i don'T eveN knoW hoW to dAnce...and duH duH, i don'T eveN hAve a dArlin'...and i wilL neveR wAnt one.
hahAaa....exActly one yeAr ago (it'z stilL 10 mAy in the stAtez ok... ;P), Yiwen ROM-ed witH Ronghui @ one fullertoN and i wAz surprizinglY the eMcee for thiZ hiztorY chAnging evenT!!!
see the photoZ froM thAt evenT....one yeAr agO:
looK!! toLd yA i wAz the eMcee... ;P
oh thAt'z me plAying arouNd whiLe Yiwen'z mAking uP...
me plAying witH the biG hAnger....durinG Yiwen'z mAke-up... ;P
izn'T Ronghui'z nepheW adorAble - juZ liKe me?? LOL....
hahAa...me kiddinG arouNd witH Ronghui'z nepheW and niece~
okokAi!!!!! enougH of me!!!! seriouzlY!!!! LOL........
hmM....Ronghui'z not in the aboVe photO...hmM....
thiZ iz Yiwen~!! aH....thAt'z Ronghui'z....bAck vieW.... ;P
okokAi...here'Z the lovelY coupLe lAh:
finAlly....perfecT pictuRe!!
mAy you 2 be lovelY and hAppy togetheR foreveR~ ;)
i finAlly wondeRed hoW americAnz speNd theiR typicAl weekeNd...and the chAnce cAme wheN the GSA (grAduate studenT associAtion) orgAnized an outinG to wAtch a bAzeball gAme @ the Oriole Park at Camden Yard....
so me and hAng-ni-mah and kahsuaN plAnned to go (kahsuaN felT tiRed so didn'T joiN)...we goT our ticketZ which looKed liKe thiZ:
yAy! i wAz supeR tiRed cuZ i didn'T sleeP @ alL the nighT befoRe rushinG thAt exAm....argH. buT i wenT anywAyz cuZ the cAffeine i tooK wAz stilL energizinG me!!
oH....i neveR thoughT i wouLd eveR atteNd anY sportZ gAme....buT it'Z interestinG to leArn moRe az mY kind hAng-ni-mah pAtiently explAined whAt'z goinG on to me...hahAaa....now i understAnd terminologieZ liKe "outZ", "strikeZ", "bAllz", "inningZ", "offeNce"..."defeNce"...."1st base 2nd bAze..."....
mY beeR and tendeR chickeN witH frieZ!!! gosH....drinkinG Miller Lite iz liKe drinkinG wAter!!!
aH, the stAdium actuAlly lookZ nice....and looK @ hoW mAny people there weRe!!!!
the bAzeball piT~
the scoRe boArd~
it'Z an enjoyAble and interestinG experieNce...and bAsically, it wAz juZ beeR drinkinG....junK foodinG....rAndom rhythMic repeAted screAming and shoutingZ of "Let's go O's!!!!" and "Yankies Suck!!!!" and "Fuck him up!!!!" etc. = sucH a relief of strezZ!!! ;P
oh yeA! i meT Yingjun (a tAiwaneze grAd studenT) coincidentAlly durinG the gAme...and he wAz witH the Pharmacology Program studentZ~ (me and hAng-ni-mah are in the Pathobiology Program). anywAyz, the importAnt dizcoverY wAz....he likeZ sodAgreen too!!!! hahAaaa....so hAppy to fiNd anotheR sodAgreen fAn heRe in the stAtez! we weRe messAging eAch otheR on fAcebook abouT sodAgreen...and he sAid i'M so "sodAgreenism"...hahAaaa...
so, the doctoR @ the cliNic diAgnozed me witH a contusioN in mY toe....hmM, "i cAn see a biG bruiZe on youR toe" wAz whAt she sAid....
"hmM....wheRe ah?" - wAz on mY miNd wheN she sAid thAt to me.....
welL, afteR the diAgnosis, nothinG wAz prezcriBed cuZ i sAid i do not wisH to tAke pAin killerZ.......alL i cAn do iz to avoid movinG arouNd mucH and wAit for 6-8 weekZ for my fooT to heAl....oh, and neveR weAr flipflopZ...
gosH, thougH she (the doctoR) sAid it'Z kindA no worrieZ....buT i feeL thAt it'Z a mizdiAgnosis...cuZ mY toe doezn'T reAlly hurT, buT the toP of my fooT hurtZ...esP wheN i attemPt to moVe my toe - duH.
welL she shouLd be righT siNce she'Z the doctoR....
and to e-weN....yeA, thiZ iz due to me drinkinG buT i wilL neveR stoP...i'lL reAson out witH the followinG elAboration of the concepT of hormesiS...
the hAppinezz felT iz noT fAke. there'Re alwAyz 2 sidez to anY coiN....there'Re alwAyz hAppinezz and sAdnezz withiN any persoN. abiT of alcohoL augmentZ the formeR and mAkez you neglecT the lAtter - trulY. howeveR, the reverZe hAppenz wheN you consuMe too mucH of alcohoL.....showN grAphically az:
oH...and adAm juZ cAlled to checK on me and afteR i toLd hiM abouT my toe contusioN...he asKed me to stop drinkinG too...LOL...i repLied by sAying i need to visiT the liqouR stoRe verY sooN...(i'M thinkinG of tryinG mArtell...aH i need moRe henessY!!!!!) hahAaa....and i alSo toLd hiM directlY i hAve no tiMe @ alL to visiT hiM in floridA wheN he asKed me wheN i'lL be floridA-ing~
Right now, ~1600 confirmed cases of the H1N1 Swine Flu strain has been reported in the U.S.A., and 43 out of 50 states are affected.
The number of cases rocketed inevitably over the past few days:
3 days ago --> ~400 cases 2 days ago --> ~600 cases Yesterday --> ~900 cases Today --> ~1600 cases
Crazy izn't it? A 4-fold increase in 4 days!!
This rocketing in number may be due to the stringent testing of anyone with flu-like symptoms....which is so logical and necessary.
However, the number of deaths only increased from one case to two cases - one was a toddler, and one was an immunocompromised adult.
Thus, I believe as long as the number of deaths do not rocket up, the virulence of this H1N1 strain should be manageable by any healthy individual.
Luckily, the number of cases in Maryland (where I am!) still remained at 4. Hope it will plateau at this figure....
I actually skipped sleeping yesterday the whole night completing this horrendous take-home exam.....so glad it's accomplished! I know my immune system must be weakened by this event....argh, I shall eat and rest well through this weekend to recuperate.......I didn't sleep and I had to struggle through classes from 9am to 230pm and then labwork til 4+pm - I'm living on caffeine for today.
All rights, I made an appointment with my physician in 15min time...bcuz I sprained my right foot after I tripped and fell in the middle of the night climbing up my housestairs (I might be drunk then...) *ouch*
My right foot hurts...and my big toe is kinda immobile - hope everything will be fine.....right now I'm a lame boy really physically laming through the perilous city of Baltimore - a true challenge to train self-reliance. *I have faith in myself!!*
This is a solemn announcement that as of today, 4 May 2009, Maryland has 4 confirmed cases of Swine Flu!!!!
I was checking CDC's Swine Flu page daily (updated at 11AM) for updates on Swine Flu infected states, and right now 36 out of 50 states in U.S.A. are infected.
I know my parents are really worried, and my siblings...and my friends....or anyone who cares about a not-that-physically-young but mentally-very-young boy pursueing his Ph.D. alone in the states.....
Well, the worries have to intensify only if deaths from the Swine Flu increase in days to come. Otherwise, I think our usual immune system should be able to handle it......
The virulence of this new strain is still unknown, and thus we better play safe and be cautious.
Sigh, Adam called yesterday to check on me and I was surprised that he seems so nonchalent on this issue. Sigh. Doesn't anyone around him in Florida (which is infected before Maryland!!) have any scientific knowledge?! Am I over-reacting or is he under-reacting? Think if we balance out....then it'll be appropriate.
A fun video to relax on the Swine Flu...and Karen describes in layman terms how the flu virus can transmit through birds (avian), pigs (swine), and humans (at 2:36):
The "mutated" she mentioned at 2:47 should be substituted with "reassorted".
All rightz, we just have to steer clear of fluey people, and keep ourselves well fed and well rested to stay healthy~ Our immune systems will only work optimally when we're well nourished.
juZ noW wheN i wAz tAking my morninG showeR....i suddenlY begAn humminG thiZ sonG:
"lemoN tRee" bY tArcy! (mAndarin)
excerpT: "你说对爱太专注容易孤独。。。这句话什么意思, 我不清楚。" - whicH meAnz "you sAid it'Z eAzy to feeL lonelY if one iz too focuZed in lovinG someoNe, buT i'M unsuRe whAt you meAn bY thAt..."
heRe, i trY to explAin the meAning of thAt excerpT....i thinK it mAkez seNze, bcuZ if you'Re too focuZed on lovinG someoNe, you thinK of thAt persoN alL the tiMe, buT it'z inevitAble thAt you cAnnot alwAyz be witH thAt persoN. so in timeZ wheN you are noT witH thAt persoN, you wilL feeL lonelY eveN if you are witH youR friendZ.
hmM....at leAzt my explAnation mAkez seNZe to me...hahAaaa....it'Z mY hobbY to interpreTe lyricZ thougH....theY mAy not meAn anythinG @ alL...
"lemoN tRee" bY fool'Z gArden (englisH)
excerpT: "there'Z a heAvy cLoud inside mY heAd...isolAtion iz not good foR me..."
me uzed to sinG thiZ sonG @ Kbox witH creAmy...hahAaa.....it'Z surprizinG hoW sucH sAd lyricZ cAn be welL fitTed into a hAppy tuNe...
ah, did quiTe aloT on a peAceful sAturday.......wenT to the lAbz 1sT thinG in the morninG...theN trApped myseLf in the librAry and prinTed helL lotzA thingZ...theN wenT hoMe foR luncH.....tidied the helL lotzA thingZ i prinTed....geT thingZ orgAnized...
theN i decided to triM my nAilz and cooK dinneR~!! ^O^
hAve alwAyz wAnted to trY cookinG thiZ disH cAlled mA po beAncurd = 麻婆豆腐....and here it iz:
da-duH~!!!! ;P
oH, i improviZed bY substitutinG the miNced meAt witH crusHed teriyAki meAtballz - alchilY smArt righT? hahAaa...
welL....nexT tiMe i wilL mAke the beAncurd cubeZ smAller so it wilL tAzte betteR.... ^.^
wenT witH mY mafiA to grAce gArden for soMe fAntaztic fAmily-styLe chineZe cuisiNe....to celebrAte pAyday? hmM....unsuRe whY reAlly, juZ to speNd good tiMe togetheR siNce we hAven't reAlly beeN ouT togetheR mucH lAtely....
so kahsuaN droVe in heR neW hondA couPe! her driving'Z fiNe, so i hAve no worrieZ~ and hAng-ni-mah, who wAz suppoZed to be the vehicLe commAnder, focuZed on tAking rAndom photoz witH hiZ neW cAnon D90.....duH... ;P
on ouR wAy bAck.....the rAdio plAyed thiZ sonG:
"if it mAkez you hAppy" bY sheryL croW...
oH i so loVe thiZ sonG.....especiAlly the excerptZ:
"drAnk tiL i wAz thirstY agAin..." "if it mAkez you hAppy...theN whY are the helL are you so sAd?"
i liKe to sinG it into: "if it mAkez me hAppy...theN whY the helL am i so sAd..?"
kahsuaN wAz tryinG to focuZ on the night drivinG, hAng-ni-mah wAz plAying and photoshootinG witH hiZ cAnon D90 dslR, and i wAz juZ singinG in the bAckseat - funnY settinG yeA? hahAa.....but we enjoYed the eveninG ouT anyhowZ~
drinkinG and thirstinG for moRe...buT i'M consciouZ enougH to stoP. illZ...
i aM juZ a human trApped in thiz matrixY world... giveN an identity and charActer whicH i reveAl in my bloG entrieZ.. (in another wordz, you gottA reAd them to know abouT me!)