Thursday, May 28, 2009

rAindropz guided me hoMe todAy...

i wAlked hoMe in the rAin todAy....

googLe imAge for "wAlk rAin" - 3rd hiT.

the grAduate immunologY exAmz ended abouT 12:30pM.....i submitTed my pAper @ about 12:29pM - feelinG fiNe~

az usuAl...i bliVe it shouLd be ok to pAzz~ enougH of competinG witH anyoNe....there'Z no competitioN in grAduate juZ hAve to pAzz and gAin the requiRed creditZ...i juZ wisH agAin i hAve spenT moRe tiMe studyinG to strengtheN mY immunO. conceptZ...

alSo, i retrieVed one of mY otheR exAm resultZ (infectiouZ diseAses AM) together witH tizzY~ tizzY scoRed 1 poinT moRe thAn me and i got the sAme scoRe az hAng-ni-mah~ so glAd we're in the 80z rAnge - a sAfety rAnge thAt deemZ us a secuRed pAzz~ ^o^

it'Z the 1sT tiMe i hAd a solO luncH witH tizzY~ so hAppy.....i'Ve alwAyz felT thiZ nAtural and comfortAble abilitY to chAt and get alonG welL witH tizzY~ she'Z sucH a perfecT girL~!!! i'M so glAd i hAve coMe to knoW tizzY~ ^o^

we hAd a looooonG luncH....and a looooonG chAt......and i reAlized we shAre alot of commoN viewZ.....and i'M glAd she'Z willinG to be there to supporT me mentAlly wheneveR i need soMe encourAgement...i trulY need soMe verY sooN - kudoS to tizzY...the californiAn girL~!! ^O^

tizzY loveZ the unicorN....and i loVe koAlaz~ and we botH weAr turtLe/tortoiZe accessorieZ~ hahAaa...;P

anywAyz...finAlly i ended lAbworK @ abouT 6+pM *so tiRed!!!* i onlY slepT intermittentlY liKe a coupLe of hourz lAst nighT due to exAm prepAration....i'M livinG on cAffeine - agAin.

anywAyz...wheN i finAlly cAn go begAn drizzlinG...and the rAin juZ "heAvified" az i wAlked....

and wAlked........

and wAlked...

..througH the "jesuS dooR"...througH the hopkinZ hozpitAl...

i alwAyz avoid wAlking in the rAin cuZ my muM sAyz i wilL fAll sicK......

buT todAy.....i enjoYed wAlking in the rAin.

initiAlly, i irKed it.

buT progressivelY, insteAd of wAlking fAster....i sloWed dowN my pAce....and smiLed as i strolLed througH heAven'z teArz - i alwAyz thinK the sky'Z cryinG wheneveR it rAinz.....

"rAin" bY mAvis fAn. (mAndarin)

"rAin.....fAlling in my heArt?? i stilL heAr youR voice withiN mY heArt..the worLd chAnges az you chAnge....i'M trulY losT..."

skY, whY did you crY?

skY, don'T crY witH me...

skY, plZ smiLe for me...witH youR lovelY cloudZ and rAinbowz...

skY - i'M nuMbed bY my lovelY alcohoL...

blAck lAbeling and henessyinG...


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