Saturday, May 02, 2009

drinkinG tiL i'M thirstY agAin...

wenT witH mY mafiA to grAce gArden for soMe fAntaztic fAmily-styLe chineZe celebrAte pAyday? hmM....unsuRe whY reAlly, juZ to speNd good tiMe togetheR siNce we hAven't reAlly beeN ouT togetheR mucH lAtely....

so kahsuaN droVe in heR neW hondA couPe! her driving'Z fiNe, so i hAve no worrieZ~ and hAng-ni-mah, who wAz suppoZed to be the vehicLe commAnder, focuZed on tAking rAndom photoz witH hiZ neW cAnon D90.....duH... ;P

on ouR wAy bAck.....the rAdio plAyed thiZ sonG:

"if it mAkez you hAppy" bY sheryL croW...

oH i so loVe thiZ sonG.....especiAlly the excerptZ:

"drAnk tiL i wAz thirstY agAin..."
"if it mAkez you hAppy...theN whY are the helL are you so sAd?"

i liKe to sinG it into: "if it mAkez me hAppy...theN whY the helL am i so sAd..?"

kahsuaN wAz tryinG to focuZ on the night drivinG, hAng-ni-mah wAz plAying and photoshootinG witH hiZ cAnon D90 dslR, and i wAz juZ singinG in the bAckseat - funnY settinG yeA? hahAa.....but we enjoYed the eveninG ouT anyhowZ~

drinkinG and thirstinG for moRe...buT i'M consciouZ enougH to stoP.


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