Monday, May 18, 2009

adAm + lAmbert = adAm lAmbert

beN introduced me to adAm lAmbert lAst weeK....adAm lAmbert'z a finAlist on americAn idoL.

touTed to be vocAlly amAzingly versAtile by beN....he seArched out the followinG cliP froM youtuBe:

"mAd worLd" bY adAm lAmbert...i especiAlly liKe the wAy he sAng "very verY" @ 1:20...

morAssa'z recommendAtion of hiM singinG "mAd worLd" iz certAinly awesoMe!! i loVe melAncholic lyricZ....perfectlY broughT to liVe witH feelingZ bY someoNe witH intrigueinG vocAlz - adAm lAmbert.

i muZ admiT i wAz reAlly surpriZed and attrActed bY thiZ voice....i'M listeninG to thiZ sonG whiLe typinG thiZ....ok, i'M proudlY repeAting it. and actuAlly, i'Ve beeN listeninG to it oftenlY siNce i heArd it witH beN and morassA.... ;)

i stopPed americAn idolinG siNce the cArrie undeRwood erA...........beN and morassA kindA broughT me bAck to thiZ lAtest seAson...whicH amAzed me. thougH there'Z only one episode lefT? it'Z neveR too lAte to voTe!!

adAm lAmbert - 2 simpLe wordZ thAt meAn alot to me. sepArately, adAm'z my amAzing muziciAn frieNd; lAmbert iz the nAme of the softoY sheeP of one of mY alreAdy losT secondAry schooL frieNd, jeanneAtte - i wondeR hoW she'Z now?

anywAyz...the otheR contestAnt (there'Re onlY 2 lefT) iz Kris Allen. if you'Re interesTed you cAn youtube hiM....buT trusT me, thougH i'M not muzicAlly trAined...adAm lAmbert definitelY hAz thAt speciAl voice and certAinly deserveZ to wiN more thAn anyoNe elZe!! Kris's singinG iz juZ....too normAl to me, no speciAl fActor...

i'M gonnA fiNd out hoW to voTe, bcuZ az beN'Z tiMe for americA to hAve our verY firsT deservinglY tAlented gAy americAn idoL!!!!! ^O^

plZ proVe to me thiZ iz trulY the lAnd of the fRee and the lAnd of the brAve!! i leArnt thiZ froM mizZ swAn.... ;P

alL for adAm lAmbert!!


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