Sunday, May 17, 2009

the music'Z fiNe - liKe spArkling wiNe...

ah....recenT dAyz are heAvy and intenZe:

1. i'M not feelinG welL...buT i'M survivinG bY sleepinG helL lotZ oveR thiZ weekeNd...liKe 16hrZ a dAy...and gorginG dowN my herbAl syruP...

2. my dermAtologistz are not so optimiztic siNce i'M not rezpondinG to initiAl therApiez...

3. the infectiouZ diseaseZ/immunologY tAke-home exAm iz juZ so i over-rAting it or iz it trulY so tougH? prActically slepT onlY 2 hrz on thurZ rushinG it..

4. argH - the cominG weekZ are tougH too.....2 more tAke-home exAmz on neuropAthology on cominG fridAy...theN immunologY in-clAzz finAlz @ the end of mAy.....

5. i hAve 2 presentAtionz thiZ and fri!!

6. i juZ receiVed a chAze letteR on mY studY loAn...buT i requesTed for moRe deservinG defermenT...interesT juZ keepZ rollinG...

7. the liqouR stoRe iz cloZed on sundAy!!!

whiLe i hAve more thingZ to bloG....i gottA get bAck to my presentAtion prepAration.....

meAnwhile, my miNd keepZ plAying a reAlly romAntic sonG titLed "sAve the lAst dAnce for me":

the drifterZ - "sAve the lAst dAnce foR me"

the drifterZ (aboVe) iz the originAl performeR.....theN michAel bubLe re-perforMed it:

michAel bubLe - "sAve the lAst dAnce foR me"...

"so dArlin', sAve the lAst dAnce foR me.."

p.S.: duH...i don'T eveN knoW hoW to dAnce...and duH duH, i don'T eveN hAve a dArlin'...and i wilL neveR wAnt one.


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