Monday, May 25, 2009

neveR sAy neveR beneAth the pAle moonlighT... chiLdhood memorieZ are verY minimAl......

2 songZ froM "an americAn tAil" iz exceptionAlly viVid in my miNd througH theZe yeArz...

"neveR sAy neveR"....

adAm juZ cAlled to checK on me (of courZe i'M stilL aliVe)...and somehoW i juZ toLd and sAng to hiM thAt "neveR sAy neveR" onlY hAz one liNe that iz on repeAt - "neveR sAy neveR whAtever you do"....which iZ mY hAz a buncH of lyricZ to it lAh....and thiZ sonG alwAyz giveZ me pozitivitY wheneveR i need to perK uP my spiritZ...

"somewheRe ouT theRe"...

aH...aren'T theZe songZ perfecT??? kudoZ to theiR creAtorz...

"an americAn tAil" iz sucH a clAssic...i thinK i cAn wAtch it on repeAt...shAll hunT foR it onliNe or somethinG....afteR the huGe impossibLe exAmz...

neveR sAy neveR beneAth the pAle moonlighT... ;)


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