Wednesday, May 27, 2009

sAve ouR preciouZ federAl fundZ~!!

todAy'z a tougH dAy.....the onlY thinG thAt trulY mAde me smiLe wAz a surpriZe shorT goodnighT texT messAge froM adAm......

noW, i shAll speNd a coupLe of minuteZ expozinG mY reAlly horribLe houzemAte - he totAlly ruiNed my impressioN of alL peruvianZ.

he'Z the 1sT peruviaN i'Ve eveR knowN, and he'z sucH a disAppointment.

surprizinglY on a Full Bright Scholarship?! oH plZ...hiZ personAl chAracter and lifestyLe deemed hiM a totAl wAste of federAl fundZ!

whY? an typicAl exAmple:

it'Z 11:15pM.....he begAn wAshing hiZ clotheZ witH the wAshing mAchine and wAtching comedY tV - horrbiLe bcuZ:

1. 11:15pM - dR. Li usuAlly sleepZ bY 10:30pM to 11pm...doezn'T thAt peruviaN hAve any commoN seNze it'Z alreAdy normAl bedtiMe?! usuAlly i sleeP bY 10:30pM too!!

2. the wAshing mAchine'z in the bAzement...buT it'Z a freAking whirlpooL wAshing mAchine.........of courZe we alL cAn heAr it spinninG and feedinG in wAter!!

3. TV - it'Z in the livinG rooM on the 1sT flooR....bedroomZ on the 2nd flooR, buT for God'z sAke......the voluMe iz so loud i cAn heAr it in mY room (doorZ clozed).

4. on toP of thAt, i'M studyinG for my exAm tomorroW! duH!!

"sileNce" imAge frooM googLe...

i juZ cAme uP froM downstAirz askinG hiM to loweR dowN whAtever noize he'Z mAking.

i cAnnot wAit for thiZ freAk to moVe out...hopefullY in 1 month'Z tiMe..!!! stoP wAsting preciouZ federAl fundZ~!!! besideZ, he dirtieZ the kitcheN and everywheRe...he'Z unfAithful to hiZ wife...i pitY hiZ wife and chiLd...he'Z an utteR shAme to cAtholicism - he'Z simplY dizgustinG and hopelezZ.

he'Z alreAdy 40+ yrZ oLd and he stilL hAz no bAsic commoN sensicAl considerAcy.

i stronglY doubT hiZ qualificAtion to reside in the cAtholic heAven - if it existZ...

bAck to studyinG immunologY...


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