Thursday, May 28, 2009

a loooonG nighT....

one of mY fAvorite songZ to sinG @ karAoke....90% of the tiMe i sinG it in mAndarin....buT i reAlized the choruZ of the cAntoneze versioN iz quiTe fAzcinating...:

"a looooonG nighT" bY kit chAn and williAm sO...(cAntoneze)


it'Z liKe a shootinG stAr chAnging itZ directioN......
allowinG us to fAll in loVe...

it'Z liKe a lonG anticipAted mirAcle..
whicH finAlly cAme tRue...

it'Z liKe the widezT lAnd and the furthezT skY...
i bliVe thiZ night'Z gonnA be so loooonG...

it'Z liKe the flowinG wAter chAnging itZ directioN...
allowinG us to fAll in loVe...

it'Z liKe chAsing afteR you in a seA of humAnz...
and i finAlly cAught up witH you...

the unimAginable iz righT in fronT of ouR eyeZ...
and ouR loVe amAzingly merGed the seA and the skY....

so glAd kiT iz gonnA sinG agAin!!


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