Friday, May 22, 2009

"hide mY heAd i wannA drowN mY sorrowZ".....

"mAd worLd" - adAm lAmbert durinG the finAle...

thiZ worLd iz trulY unfAir and impossibLe.

adAm lAmbert shouLd be the americAn dioL 2009 - no doubT.

izn'T thiZ alL abouT meritocrAcy? definitelY noT.

i pAuzed americAn idolinG siNce cArrie underwood....buT, the mAjor difference iz...........when i wAnted to voTe for cArrie 4 yeArz ago, i couLd'nt.....noW i aM in the stAtez, i voTed for adAm 22 timeZ righT afteR the finAle........the hotliNe wAz trulY hoT........eveN tiL 1AM............................

buT thiZ worLd stilL remAined prejudiced, dizcriminAtive, and unfAir - whAt the fucK?! seriouslY - whAt the fucK????!!!!!!!!! *cursinG hAz beeN so eAzy*

wheRe the helL iz the tRue lAnd of the fRee????



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