Sunday, May 03, 2009

turninG arouNd aZ a lemoN tRee...

juZ noW wheN i wAz tAking my morninG showeR....i suddenlY begAn humminG thiZ sonG:

"lemoN tRee" bY tArcy! (mAndarin)

excerpT: "你说对爱太专注容易孤独。。。这句话什么意思, 我不清楚。" - whicH meAnz "you sAid it'Z eAzy to feeL lonelY if one iz too focuZed in lovinG someoNe, buT i'M unsuRe whAt you meAn bY thAt..."

heRe, i trY to explAin the meAning of thAt excerpT....i thinK it mAkez seNze, bcuZ if you'Re too focuZed on lovinG someoNe, you thinK of thAt persoN alL the tiMe, buT it'z inevitAble thAt you cAnnot alwAyz be witH thAt persoN. so in timeZ wheN you are noT witH thAt persoN, you wilL feeL lonelY eveN if you are witH youR friendZ. leAzt my explAnation mAkez seNZe to'Z mY hobbY to interpreTe lyricZ thougH....theY mAy not meAn anythinG @ alL...

"lemoN tRee" bY fool'Z gArden (englisH)

excerpT: "there'Z a heAvy cLoud inside mY heAd...isolAtion iz not good foR me..."

me uzed to sinG thiZ sonG @ Kbox witH'Z surprizinG hoW sucH sAd lyricZ cAn be welL fitTed into a hAppy tuNe...

turninG arouNd az a lemoN tRee...


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