Saturday, May 23, 2009

officiAlly Park-ed.

afteR i regAined sober-nezZ....i checKed my emAil...

there hAzn't beeN anythinG thAt reAlly mAkez me hAppy.....finAlly a life-impActing evenT trulY mAde me smiLe.

i receiVed an emAil froM beN officiAlly acceptinG me into The Park Lab! ^o^

a pictuRe froM the Park Lab website!!!!

beN'z humoR iz amAzing....and hiZ smArt and crAzy reseArch ideAz fAscinate me....i'M trulY glAd to "leArn how to leArn" undeR hiZ guidAnce.

the lAb cultuRe he creAted iz verY friendlY and fuN...hahAaa....lAb memberZ are no doubT fuN-lovinG! ;P

it'Z a kind of fAte...bcuZ befoRe i eveN fleW here to the stAtez...beN wAz mAtched to be my interiM supervisoR....and wheN i visiTed hiZ juZ mAkez me smile @ hoW funnY hiZ lAb cAn be....

wheN i arriVed here in the stAtez...i meT witH hiM not to rotAte witH hiM but for advice on wheRe to shorT i'M so luckY!! ^o^

for anY Ph.D. studenT...the thesiS lAb iz cruciAl............and i'M glAd i'M officiAlly Park-ed.

officiAlly Park-ed.


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