Saturday, May 02, 2009

mA po beAncurd = 麻婆豆腐~!!

ah, did quiTe aloT on a peAceful sAturday.......wenT to the lAbz 1sT thinG in the morninG...theN trApped myseLf in the librAry and prinTed helL lotzA thingZ...theN wenT hoMe foR luncH.....tidied the helL lotzA thingZ i prinTed....geT thingZ orgAnized...

theN i decided to triM my nAilz and cooK dinneR~!! ^O^

hAve alwAyz wAnted to trY cookinG thiZ disH cAlled mA po beAncurd = 麻婆豆腐....and here it iz:

da-duH~!!!! ;P

oH, i improviZed bY substitutinG the miNced meAt witH crusHed teriyAki meAtballz - alchilY smArt righT? hahAaa...

welL....nexT tiMe i wilL mAke the beAncurd cubeZ smAller so it wilL tAzte betteR.... ^.^

alchY cheflY~


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