Saturday, May 09, 2009

mY 1sT bAzeball gAme~!!!!

i finAlly wondeRed hoW americAnz speNd theiR typicAl weekeNd...and the chAnce cAme wheN the GSA (grAduate studenT associAtion) orgAnized an outinG to wAtch a bAzeball gAme @ the Oriole Park at Camden Yard....

so me and hAng-ni-mah and kahsuaN plAnned to go (kahsuaN felT tiRed so didn'T joiN)...we goT our ticketZ which looKed liKe thiZ:

yAy! i wAz supeR tiRed cuZ i didn'T sleeP @ alL the nighT befoRe rushinG thAt exAm....argH. buT i wenT anywAyz cuZ the cAffeine i tooK wAz stilL energizinG me!!

oH....i neveR thoughT i wouLd eveR atteNd anY sportZ gAme....buT it'Z interestinG to leArn moRe az mY kind hAng-ni-mah pAtiently explAined whAt'z goinG on to i understAnd terminologieZ liKe "outZ", "strikeZ", "bAllz", "inningZ", "offeNce"..."defeNce"...."1st base 2nd bAze..."....

mY beeR and tendeR chickeN witH frieZ!!! gosH....drinkinG Miller Lite iz liKe drinkinG wAter!!!

aH, the stAdium actuAlly lookZ nice....and looK @ hoW mAny people there weRe!!!!

the bAzeball piT~

the scoRe boArd~

it'Z an enjoyAble and interestinG experieNce...and bAsically, it wAz juZ beeR drinkinG....junK foodinG....rAndom rhythMic repeAted screAming and shoutingZ of "Let's go O's!!!!" and "Yankies Suck!!!!" and "Fuck him up!!!!" etc. = sucH a relief of strezZ!!! ;P

oh yeA! i meT Yingjun (a tAiwaneze grAd studenT) coincidentAlly durinG the gAme...and he wAz witH the Pharmacology Program studentZ~ (me and hAng-ni-mah are in the Pathobiology Program). anywAyz, the importAnt dizcoverY wAz....he likeZ sodAgreen too!!!! hAppy to fiNd anotheR sodAgreen fAn heRe in the stAtez! we weRe messAging eAch otheR on fAcebook abouT sodAgreen...and he sAid i'M so "sodAgreenism"...hahAaaa...

sodAgreenizm in bAltimore~!!


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