Saturday, May 09, 2009

contusioN of mY toe...

so, the doctoR @ the cliNic diAgnozed me witH a contusioN in mY toe....hmM, "i cAn see a biG bruiZe on youR toe" wAz whAt she sAid....

"hmM....wheRe ah?" - wAz on mY miNd wheN she sAid thAt to me.....

welL, afteR the diAgnosis, nothinG wAz prezcriBed cuZ i sAid i do not wisH to tAke pAin killerZ.......alL i cAn do iz to avoid movinG arouNd mucH and wAit for 6-8 weekZ for my fooT to heAl....oh, and neveR weAr flipflopZ...

gosH, thougH she (the doctoR) sAid it'Z kindA no worrieZ....buT i feeL thAt it'Z a mizdiAgnosis...cuZ mY toe doezn'T reAlly hurT, buT the toP of my fooT hurtZ...esP wheN i attemPt to moVe my toe - duH.

welL she shouLd be righT siNce she'Z the doctoR....

and to e-weN....yeA, thiZ iz due to me drinkinG buT i wilL neveR stoP...i'lL reAson out witH the followinG elAboration of the concepT of hormesiS...

the hAppinezz felT iz noT fAke. there'Re alwAyz 2 sidez to anY coiN....there'Re alwAyz hAppinezz and sAdnezz withiN any persoN. abiT of alcohoL augmentZ the formeR and mAkez you neglecT the lAtter - trulY. howeveR, the reverZe hAppenz wheN you consuMe too mucH of alcohoL.....showN grAphically az:

oH...and adAm juZ cAlled to checK on me and afteR i toLd hiM abouT my toe contusioN...he asKed me to stop drinkinG too...LOL...i repLied by sAying i need to visiT the liqouR stoRe verY sooN...(i'M thinkinG of tryinG mArtell...aH i need moRe henessY!!!!!) hahAaa....and i alSo toLd hiM directlY i hAve no tiMe @ alL to visiT hiM in floridA wheN he asKed me wheN i'lL be floridA-ing~

aH......i juZ keeP givinG negAtive rezponseS to everyoNe - almoZ everyoNe~



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