Friday, May 29, 2009

moment by momenT...

wheN my zikziK heArd thAt i injuRed my fooT....and wAz lAming arouNd...she immediAtely senT me a pAcket of Hisamitsu plasterZ...

thAt wAs almosT hAlf a montH ago...and it finAlly arriVed!!

it'Z fAster to posT thingZ ouT of the stAtez thAn receivinG thingZ froM out of stAtez...

i mizZed the postmAn agAin...and hAd to wAlk to the postoffice to collecT it siNce it'Z a regizteRed mAil.

afteR wAlking to and fro tWice......i finAlly got my letteR!!

wheN i 1sT arriVed for collectioN....the postoffice lAdy refuZed my collectioN siNce the letteR wAz addrezZed to "yueN zAi" which iz whAt zikziK cAllz i hAd to fetcH documentZ thAt shoW mY addresS....aH...

wheN i finAlly cAn collecT it, the scAnner refuZed to scAn the bAr code on the letteR!! aH....i exclAimed "nothinG cAn stoP me froM gettinG thiZ letteR!!!" jokinglY...and the postoffice lAdy lAughed....

here it iZ:

zikziK uZed a "groovY" seAl! ;P

and she senT a cArd alonG witH it...:

"moment by momenT"...

wordZ of encourAgement are az followZ:

"moment by noT looK bAck and pondeR oveR whAt mighT hAve beeN, noR be troubLed abouT the yeAr aheAd for it hAz yeT to coMe, liVe todAy to the fullezT and mAke it beAutiful so thAt it wilL be wortH rememberinG..."

thAnkz and i mizZ you deArly mY zikziK...

p.S.: mY fooT iz recoverinG reAlly welL!! ^O^


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