Friday, May 22, 2009

blAck lAbel - the johnNie wAlker

so, bcuZ hAng-ni-mah seemZ to refuZe to driVe me to the liquoR stoRe (foR mY own good cuZ he thinkZ i'M addicTed to alcohoL....).......

i brAinstormed and reAlized thAt there'z a liqouR stoRe verY neAr lucky'Z wymAnn'z apArtment - juZ arouNd the homewood cAmpuz - whicH iz verY sAfe!!!

so i ended lAbworK eArly todAy and zooMed viA the hopkinZ shuttLe to thAt liquoR stoRe to geT thiZ:

finAlly - blAck lAbel bY johnnie wAlker

and of courZe i boughT anotheR bottLe of henessY vsoP cuZ i'M finishinG mY 1sT bottLe az i'M typinG thiZ afteR testinG the blAck lAbel.........LOL....

i reAlized thAt whizkY iZ mucH eAzier to drinK compAred to vsoP (brAndy).....thougH lezZ flAvory.....and lezZ stingY................and aloT moRe mAlty.....

gottA wArm whizkY in mY mouth befoRe swAllowing yoZ..........

ok, i prefeR vsoP? aH i feeL so higH......sooooooo higH...

i wondeR whY don'T theY selL the mArtell vsoP?! duH?!

liqouR storeZ are juZ so vAriable here...........bAltimore liqouR storeZ juZ won'T ever selL cAmus vsoP righT? duH...........shAll try to geT it froM DC....

nexT uP - tequilA (mexicAn origiN)??!!

oH i feeL terriblY horribLe...........i shAll pAuze drinkinG tiL mY HUGE exAmz Are settLed. no moRe alcohoL tiL theN - no moRe yoZ..........

i'M not feelinG welL and i'M alcoholinG - i'M horribLe.....thiz simplY horribbleliZe me moRe plZzZ............

i aM so not jA[[y adn deprezZed....buT alcohoL mAkez me smiLe - kudoZ to alcohoL - the wonderfullezT molecuLe eveR...................yeSD

higH in heAven - withouT blindlY blivinG in the 1 and onlY God.


Anonymous Vic said...

dun become an alcoholic, hor

1:15 PM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

orH. thAnkz vicVic!

ah.....i tyPed theZe entrieZ wheN i wAz drunK....whoAh, i'M amAzed i cAn stilL tyPe yoZ....and i eveN senT out soMe crAzy texT messAges....

2:13 PM  

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