Sunday, August 16, 2009

wAiting for heAven in helL.

an unloAdable cZ googLe imAge for "sAd windoW"

"dArknezz shrouded my heArt a long tiMe ago..
there'Z nothinG ignitAble existinG anymoRe...
i'M lefT witH one teArdrop at the corneR of my eYe...
hoW cAn refrActionz througH my teArdrop lighT up my worLd?

my hAtred for you hAz appeAzed slowlY with tiMe...
mY loVe for you remAinz immeAsurable...
wAndering in betweeN forgivenezZ and hopelessnezZ...
i cAn onlY feeL beinG hurt - hurt - hurT...

i thoughT you gAve me a rAy of hoPe...
i reAched out my hAnd...frozeN by my metAllic windoW frAmez.
if the trutH onlY serveZ to sAdden..
juZ let me continue to fAntasize in my memorieZ...

i thoughT i cAn flY hAppily froM thiZ momenT...
buT i lAnded on my freezinG metAl windoW frAmez wheN i felL out of mY dreAm.
if the trutH serveZ to boosT brAvery..
juZ let me wAit for heAven whiLe i'M in helL..."

"metAl windoW" - by mAvis.

physicAlly on eArth.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

the peekinG suN...

wellmeierfArmz stoneworK - "peekinG suN"

the stormY cloudZ terrified the lovelY suN...
the suN hid up behiNd the teAring skY...shiverinG..

dezpiTe the angrY shoutingZ of the downpouR...
and the scAry scoldingZ of the thundeR..
a hAppy kiddy tuNe wAz sAng by the torrenT wAvez...

the hidinG suN heArd the tuNe..
and tooK a peeK froM up behiNd the unhAppy skY..
heR rAinbow rAyz instAntly coloRed the wAvez...
energizinG the wAvez to sinG more ferventlY...

the suN rAized heR liP corneR..attemptinG a smiLe at the wAvez...
buT the frowninG rAin and thundeR striKed onto the singinG wAvez...
breAking theiR vocAl wAvefrontz...

the hArmoniouz wAvez dizintegrAted into messY rippleZ..
the hAppy tuNe trAnzfigured into unsyncopAted crieZ...
the peekinG suN immediAtely becAme petrified...
and hid bAck up behiNd the melAncholic skY.

the storM cAlmed eventuAlly - for noW.
the rAindropz flooded every continenT - deAdly drowNed.
the wAter surfAce wAz cAlm - perfecT flAtnezz.
the thundeR losT itz voice - colorlezZ sileNce.
the peekinG suN teAred excessivelY in feAr - unwillinglY bliNded.

wheN wilL the wAvez chirP agAin?
wheN wilL the suN peeK agAin?
wilL the bliNded suN be abLe to peeK agAin?
perhApz she cAn seLf-unbliNd herseLf witH her rAinbow rAyz..?



ponyo ponyo ponyO sakanA no kO~

"ponyo ponyo ponyO sakanA no kO~
aoi umI karA yAtte kitA~
ponyo ponyo ponyO fukura-andA~
manmAru onakA no onnA no kO~"

the cuTe jAp versioN of ponyo'Z theMe sonG!

sasuKe holdinG ponyO....hopinG she'Z oK...

sasuKe and ponyo'Z kizZ of trAnzfiguration!!!

thiZ movie iz simplY so imAginative and soooO cuTe!!

you hAve to wAtch it witH lotZ of imAgination - like a dreAm?

it'Z alL abouT mAgic, friendshiP, inexplicAble loVe, and fAmily love~

soooO glAd i choZe to wAtch it (i folloW my intuitioN!!) fAncy 3D or effectZ...buT plAin and nice 2D cArtoon~~~

it'Z totally wortH my cAsh....unlike the hArry potteR i wAtched ~2 weekZ bAck...duH. witH all the speciAl effectZ i don'T reAlly see the importAnce excepT teenAge puppY loVe dramA - sucH a disAppointment...and dumbledoRe died?!

and yeA....i would be nAgged az "sillY" agAin for roAming thiZ dAngerouz citY all aloNe alL the way to the cinemA....whicH iz liKe 0.5hrZ awAy...duH. but it'Z a nice theAtre beside the mArriot hoteL~ the nAgger wilL not know since he doezn'T reAd my bloG! ;P my defeNse, i thinK i've evolVed the brAvery to roAm and the knowledGe of whicH streetZ are of acceptAble wAlkability...

yeA, and i spotTed one g37 infinitI, one g35 infinitI and alSo two nissAn 350zzZ along my wAy...

ponyO iz sooooO adorAble~!!

fAst, and fAr.

"to go fAst, go aloNe. to go fAr, go togetheR."

thiZ iz a quoTe i remembeR froM a fAculty presentAtion eArlier iz logicAl and it mAkez seNze...somehoW.

it'Z liKe wAlking.

wheN you wAlk'Z obviouZ youR speed iz lotzzZ fAster thAn wAlking witH a grouP of peopLe wheRe you hAve to sloW dowN mosT of the tiMe to be poliTe and not drifT awAy.....duH.

buT of courZe wheN the grouP iz a wonderfuL grouP of pAlz theN you won'T eveN cAre abouT how sloW the wAlking iz.... ;)

i totAlly agree witH the 1sT abLe persoN wilL definitelY go fAster wheN aloNe.

howeveR, for the secoNd dependZ on the membeR quAlity and siZe of the grouP......if soMe memberZ sucK and theRe are too mAny peopLe...progrezZ slowZ dowN and the grouP mAy not go fAr and becoMe stAgnant and eveN deteriorAte.

thuZ, to be abLe to go fAr and relAtively fAst togetheR....i thinK the grouP siZe hAz to be limiTed, and onlY limiTed to abLe peopLe.

mAkez senZe? helL yeA...

sooooooO gorgeouZ...

siNce i cAn't sleeP.......i shAll looK @ cArz.

not juZ cArz - beAutiful gorgeouZ cArz~!!!!

i'M so not a vehicLe persoN - seriouzlY!! heNce, any vehicLe thAt cAn mAke my heAd turN seriouzlY iz an arT piece!!!

i remembeR the 1sT vehicLe thAt mAde me go towArdz it and tAke a closeR looK iz a mAserati - itZ logo and composuRe iz simplY...amAzing.

so......theZe are severAl coupeZ whicH i cAn neveR affoRd righT noW az a verY pooR F1-visA grAduate studenT who liveZ on juZ-enougH stipeNd....:

mAserati grAnturizmo S - neveR affordAble unlezZ i striKe lotterY~

infinitI g37 convertibLe~ (aiminG for g41 serieZ)

there'Z thiZ infinitI convertibLe neAr my lAb...and it belongZ to one of the huGe fAculty memberZ who apparentlY trAded-in hiZ mercedeZ for it. aH...i jokinglY asKed beN if i cAn tAke time off lAb to hide arouNd the pArking areA to witnezZ the actuAl conversioN of thiZ beAuty...and beN agReed instAntly over beeR @ hAppy hour juZ now!! welL.....i guezZ we botH tooK it az a joKe. buT i mighT reAlly do it...i juZ wAnna see the conversioN in liVe~~~ ;P

infinitI g37 couPe~ (aiminG for g41 serieZ)

nissAn 370Z~ a stricT 2-seAter!! perfecT!!!!

mitsubishI eclipZe~

thinK if i don'T eAt for 2 yeArz i cAn buY the eclipZe.... ;P

i mighT fAint if i owN the toppezT cAr righT now...

aren'T theY gorgeouZ? helL yeA~!!!!!!!

okAi i gottA stoP cAr dreAming...

p.S.: alL photoZ are ripPed froM theiR rezpectiVe officiAl siteZ......

2 or 1..?

noW i'M awAke and i cAnnot get bAck to sleeP......i'lL usuAlly juZ wAke up in the middLe of the nighT abT 2 or sometimeZ 1 or 4 theN i juZ cAnnot returN bAck to dreAmland - whAt a fAntaztic deportAtion.

thoughT tonighT wilL be a sleeP througH siNce i drAnk quiTe aloT durinG the hAppy houR @ lAb juZ now...beN juZ initiAted a hAppy houR bcuZ he feelZ liKe we need one - cooL~

and todAy i reliveNed my loVe for flAvoured mAlt drinkZ (thinK iz liKe flAvoured vodkA)....lAst tiMe i uzed to loVe "stroBe"....noW it'Z sMirnoff ice:

adAm texTed me and i reAlized he'z in arkAnsas (1 houR bAckward froM me) for theze feW dAyz to atteNd hiZ guitArist friend'Z weddinG....but the ideA i got iz...@ our aGe of 25, thiZ period of our liveZ will be experieNced witH lotZ of friendZ gettinG mArried and hAving childreN - duH.

one of my clAzzmatez in colleGe (undergrAd) iz alreAdy mArried and recentlY had a chiLd!!

whY iz life simplY liKe thAt - groW up; get educAted; worK; dAte; mArry; hAve kidZ; groW youR kidZ; educAte kidZ; more worK; retiRe if possibLe; wAit to die.

iz thiZ a life cycLe or...a life viciouZ cycLe? i opT for the lAtter and chooZe to stoP thiZ cycLe and juZ be independAnt. pakpAk and makmAk kepT hypinG abouT thiZ isSue on webcAm everY sundAy - seriouzlY!!

mY life shouLd be: groW up; get educAted; geT moRe educAted; get az educAted az possbiLe; worK and onlY worK on whAt i wAnt; tAke cAre of my pArentz; leArn artiZtic skillZ thAt i alwAyz wAnted; be totAlly independAnt; enjoY whAtever i chooZe to do; theN die. hahAaa~

welL...for thoZe who plAn to get mArried - onlY mArry wheN you're suRe thAt you'Re witH the righT persoN. bcuZ the probAbility of meetinG and fAlling reciprocAlly trulY in loVe and theN hAving the chAnce to get mArried witH the righT persoN is essentiAlly zerO..

otherwiZe....juZ forgeT it.


p.S.: argH! i juZ reAlized sMirnoff ice contAinz cAffeine or some energY-givinG wondeR i woKe tonighT?!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

deAd theN aliVe - in anotheR life.

a beAutiful azpirinG modeL (deB) died @ the sAme time az a heAvy supersmArt buzY lAwyer (jAne).

botH died.

jAne'z souL moVed on to the unknowN.

deb'Z souL moVed on...into the jAne'z bodY!!!


thiZ prettY much summArises an americAn serieZ thAt i'M sooooO into righT now...

some pArtz are touchinG and some pArtz simplY mAke me smiLe.

picT. froM mylifetiMe websiTe~

checK it ouT....righT now it onlY hAz 5 episodeZ and i thinK you cAn wAtch theM froM anywheRe in the worLd on the officiAl websiTe~


appArently, the theMe iz stilL - physicAl appeArance iz not'Z whAt inside you thAt allowZ you to loVe and hAve loVe thAt lastS foreveR. remindZ me to weigH myseLf twice a dAy to ensuRe i don'T drifT awAy froM my ideAl weighT of 58kG....and noW i'M beloW thAt!! ^o^

interestinG to liVe the life of anotheR...

buT i wilL stilL juZ wannA liVe my owN littLe life.

deAding and livinG...

xiAnning liVe on blogtV~

over the weekeNd...on sundAy...i hAd my 1sT liVe blogtV experieNce - az a vieweR!!! wAz trulY liVe!! it'Z like...a persoN broAdcasts him/herseLf froM anywheRe...and if you loG on you cAn vieW the liVe shoW!!!

it'Z amAzing thAt xiAnning conducTed a liVe shoW...~

initiAlly, i wAz wonderinG if it'Z reAlly i asKed questionZ for rezponseS.....theN i mAde requestZ and xiAnning plAyed theM instAntly!!


if i didn'T remembeR wronglY...he wAz plAying "zvezdA".

it'Z inspirinG and amAzing...i requesTed for "zvezdA" and "addicTed" and vitAz's "operA #1" and "operA #2"~

xiAnning iz simplY a tAlented and amAzing piAnist~ and he typeZ fAster thAn he cAn speAk. ;P

kudoZ to xiAnning!


mAnaged to trAnzlate thiZ sonG durinG my westerN blottinG wAshing timingZ in lAb todAy!!!! ;P

it'Z a shorT and sweeT compositioN bY fAye herseLf....somehoW the tuNe juZ appeAred in mY miNd siNce thiZ morninG...i uzed to listeN and sinG to it aloT ~10 yrZ agO???

the lyricZ are speciAl...witH unhAppinezz embedded withiN.

"unordinAry" bY fAye.

"the eveninG wiNd cArriez a slight chilL...
the treeZ are swAying...
the mooN iz didderinG...
the cloudZ are flyinG....
i'M thinkinG.

the wAter'z flowinG...
the flowerZ are frAgrant...
thiZ beAutiful nighT sceNe iz remembeRed withiN my heArt...

there'Z sAdnezz withiN my smiLe..
there'Z a lighT withiN mY dArknezz..

hoW do i meAsure theZe?
hoW do i quAntify theM?

the wiLd pAzturez amongzT the hillZ...
the melAncholy beneAth the beAuty...

simplY unordinAry.

looK @ the the colorfuL mountAinz on the lAke reflectionZ...
looK @ the whiTe populoZ agAinzt the bLue skY...
i cAn't see a senZe of wide openezZ...

looK @ the green wAvez on the bLue seA...
looK @ the sunrAyz agAinzt the duskY skY...
sucH an inevitAble rusH...
to relinquisH hoPe to disAppointment..."

i simplY loVe fAye'z surreAl voice... <3

and.....i felT horribLe todAy....yezterdAy i slepT at abouT 11+pM buT woKe @ 2aM and cAn't get to sleeP tiL 4+aM....??! mY sleeP cycLe iz heAvily dizrupTed. >.<


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

~mY stAnding spooN~

...i wAlked witH grAce to the sequencinG fAcility juZ now - the betteR one iz furtheR froM ouR buildinG yoZ...

but it'Z neArer to thiZ chineZe tAke-out whicH we botH uzed to frequenT aloT! and grAce hAd a suddeN crAving for the hoT and souR souP...

so we dropPed off heR sAmplez and wenT to "tAste of chinA"....and goT ouR souP!!! ;P

the souP iz surprizinglY thicK....soooO thicK my spooN couLd stAnd independAntly:

looK @ the spooN!!!

it'Z quiTe funnY and grAce emAiled beN abouT it...cuZ beN uzed to frequenT thAt plAce too~

i recAll.........thAt wheN i firsT cAme to bAltimore, i uzed to visiT "tAste of chinA" everydAy witH adAm....i uzed to keeP the meNu with me, and ticK whAtever i hAve ordeRed befoRe....and my aiM iz to trY everythinG oNce!

duH.......thAt iz soooO sillY and whoeveR doeZ thAt iz eveN sillieR. afteR adAm lefT, i stopPed visitinG bcuZ the food quAlity iz deteriorAting (a personAl commenT!!!)...and i begAn explorinG my owN cookinG...whicH iz alchY and reAlly sAvez me aloT more...

spendinG 6 buckZ on a meAl iz not wortH it wheN i cAn mAke my owN meAl for lezZ thAn a dollAr - logicAl? helL yeA...

onlY the spoonZ of "tAste of chinA" cAn stAnd...

it'Z too expensiVe to be ilL (and die).

wAz chAtting with beN and grAce in the eveninG juZ now....

and i reAlized a fAct froM our conversAtion - it'Z too expensive to the ICU.


bcuZ one dAy in the ICU costZ whAt i eArn in a yeAr......

izn'T it crAzy? helL yeA...

doeZ it mAke senZe? helL no...

die......get iT? the red signifieZ bLood and deAth; 3 + 5 + 6 = 14......which slurZ to be "suRe die" wheN pronouNced in cAntoneze!!

buT dR. Li provided a solutioN whiLe we drAnk yeunglinG befoRe dininG......he sAid he oNce hAd a pAtient who stAted in heR wilL NOT to seNd her to the ICU for intensiVe revivAl...juZ let heR die. so he prActically looked aT her pAzz awAy and hAd to confirM her deAth befoRe the officiAl annouNcement of heR deAth.

welL....i'M in the lAnd of the fRee and the lAnd of the brAve~

i cAn't afford to die in the ICU.

it iz thiZ dAy...

the highlighT of todAy wAz confirminG the tiMe and veNue of my 1sT yeAr quAlification orAl exAm.....

it'Z kindA liKe shoppinG for a houZe...wAlked arouNd to checK ouT vAriouz confereNce roomZ and theN approAch the appropriAte adminiztrAtor and prAy thAt the dAte and timesloT thAt i propoZed are avAilable...

theN it'Z juZ liAson witH all the profzzZ...i'lL need one more prof thougH...a totAl of 7 = 5 actuAl + 2 bAckup~

yeZ - todAy'z anotheR dAy....wheN i didn'T feeL liKe sociAlizing with anY grouP of peopLe but i felT liKe joininG in my lAb for luncH bcuZ i cAn't keep sAying "no" (which i did for prettY mucH moZ of lAst weeK). luckilY i got the corneR seAt and juZ kepT quieT eAting my food and theN wAit to be dizmizZed...whicH i wAlked off quicklY - if my lAb peopLe actuAlly noticed me theY muZ thinK i'M a weiRdo..

welL...i aM.

mY mAss-sociAl gene iz intermittentlY supprezZed?

mY loNetime gene iz overexprezZed.

"thiZ dAy" by sodAgreen...(concerT versioN)

i thinK qingfenG (sodAgreen'z vocAlz) foRced himseLf not to compoZe any sonG for abouT a yeAr......and theN he wroTe thiZ sonG......i kneW thiZ froM some intervieW he receiVed...

"izn'T it viVid enougH?
plZ lie dowN...
let me cArezz you gentlY...
bcuZ you muZ be tiRed froM hurtinG my feelingZ...

izn'T it shArp enougH?
juZ looK at my scAr...
overcominG youR brAvery witH my gentlenezZ...
smilinG at you (who iz pAnting)...

i'Ve neveR felT any rezponsibilitY towArdz anyoNe befoRe..
there'Re too mAny superficiAl phoninezZ in the blurrY eyeZ of strAngerz..

plZ alloW me to be bY youR side...
wAlking througH thiZ streeT witH you.

plZ alloW me to be bY youR side...
rememberinG togetheR...

izn'T it awesoMe enougH?
i cleArly knoW...
hidinG withiN youR shArpnezz...
proudlY depreciAting myseLf...

izn'T it glAring enougH?
the flower'Z alreAdy stAined with bLood...
botH my hAndz are fullY pricKed by you..
and i stilL wiPe awAy youR teArz dezpiTe my pAin..

i'Ve neveR felT any rezponsibilitY towArdz anyoNe befoRe..
we hAve seeN hoW eAzy it iz to fAbricate liez thAt wilL teAr uz into pieceZ...
there'Re too mAny superficiAl phoninezZ in the blurrY eyeZ of strAngerz..

plZ alloW me to be bY youR side...
wAlking througH thiZ streeT witH you.

plZ alloW me to be bY youR side...
rememberinG thiZ dAy togetheR...

there'lL be a dAy wheN we'lL botH die...
dizcArding the memorY of ouR meAninglezZ nAmez..

there'lL be a dAy wheN we'lL botH forgeT...
we oNce teAred oveR ouR pAthetic and bAdly acTed storY...

there'lL be a dAy wheN we'lL botH sigH...
and recAll witH smileZ the sillY beAuty we oNce owN...

let'Z juZ leT ouR noW pAzz uz bY...

plZ leT me hoLd youR hAnd...
and plZ hold my hAnd...
leT uz shiveR witH compleTe understAnding...
and you wilL knoW me...

plZ alloW me to be bY youR side..
and wAlk througH thiZ streeT togetheR witH you...

plZ alloW me to be bY youR side..
rememberinG thiZ dAy togetheR..

lookinG at you througH my teArz...
freedoM iz the prerogAtive we need...
you'Re smilinG...
while i'M smilinG...
we'Re smilinG...
on thiZ dAy."

...feelZ liKe he'Z writinG foR someoNe who hurT hiM reAlly bAdly but stilL he choozeZ to loVe and be witH....foreveR.

interestinG. <3

thiZ dAy...everydAy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

~1sT yeAr anniversAry~

one yeAr ago - 10 auG 2008 - i tooK a brAve solitAry 10000-miLe flighT.....froM the islAnd of singApore to bAltimore (chArm citY) of mAryland, U.S.A....:

the vieW froM the domeztic flighT to bAltimore...froM chicAgo i thinK?

oH, i juZ clozed mY eyeZ and recAlled my fAmily (botH blood-relAted and geN beN) and deAr friendZ who cAme to the airporT to bid me fArewell.....of courZe not juZ thoZe who cAme to the airporT @ unGodly hourZ...buT alL who purpozelY stAyed up/woKe up to texT me and cAll me befoRe i enteRed the depArture gAte.....and alL who botheRed to meeT me befoRe i lefT... ;P

and of courZe mY two meimeiZ who tooK the mrT all the wAy froM juronG to bedoK on the afternooN befoRe i lefT to giVe me a liMe greeN collAge booK of alL photoZ they hAve of us/me....surpriZed they eveN scouRed througH alL (literAlly!!) my bloG entrieZ to get photoZ~~~ thAt speciAl fArewell meetinG @ Bedok burgeR kinG iz to avoid teArz @ the airporT.....kudoZ to weN-meI and huA-meI~!!

and...the finAl huG (whicH i wilL alwAyz feeL..) i gAve my nucleAr fAmily memberZ individuAlly - mY pakpAk, makmAk, zikziK, and gokgoK.....

i thAnk and mizZ everyoNe - trulY.

subwAy @ bwI airporT - mY 1sT dinneR eveR in bAltimore on 10 auG 2008...

afteR a yeAr of independeNce (or leArning to be...)....and lotZ of fuN cookinG vAriouz thingZ cuZ i'M the self-touTed alchY cHef....i mAde a fAntaztic dinneR for myseLf tonighT:

mY lovelY dinneR on 10 auG 2009~!!!!

mY anniversAry meAl: the focuZ shouLd be on the rectAngular thingieZ...thoZe are cuboid orgAnic koreAn tofu coAted witH a thiN lAyer of beAten egG (pAn fRied) - theY are amAzing!!! the shrimP flAvored flAt noodleZ (alsO knowN az mee poK) are grAvied witH honeY, oyzteR sAuce, ketchuP, sesAme oiL, and fRied shAllot; the cherrY tomAtoez froM the fArmer'z mArket are awesoMe!!! the resT are juZ itemZ to balAnce my meAl = romAine letTuce + bAby cArrotz + chickeN meAtballz~ strAwberry kiwI juice....and a bottLe of yeunglinG beeR compleTed the meAl~

hAving a wittY lAme nAture...todAy i woRe whAt i woRe exActly one yeAr agO - mY G2blu greeN short sleeVe shirT + sifS dArk browN cArgo + keeN bronX + mY itAlian try-chAnge metAllic glAsses (thougH i usuAlly weAr contActz now).....hmM, witH the additioN of the turtLe necklAce froM lAurie...juZ for fuN~ hahAaa..

adAm juZ texTed me nitez...and i repLied him tellinG hiM thAt one yeAr agO, i 1sT sAid "hi" froM bwI airporT wheN i cAlled hiM to mAke sure he'Z hoMe to receiVe me...and he repLied he rememberZ he juZ returNed froM a recitAl @ the beAutiful nAtional shriNe in D.C. and thuZ he couldn'T fetcH me....theN. enN. eventuAlly hiZ replY sAid it hAz beeN fuN and a pleAsure to knoW me - duH?! obviouzlY righT? hahAaa...

welL....mAny more solitAry independAnt dAyz to go~

hopefullY filLed witH mAny more unexpectAble fuN...?

good lucK to myseLf foR mY solitAry U.S.A. life journeY~ <3

p.S.: i seriouzlY need to re-boosT my optimizM whicH leAdz to my'Z trulY tougH righT noW buT it'Z all a stAte of miNd - mY miNd....juZ like blooM seArching for the drAgon fiRe withiN heR...hahAaa

Sunday, August 09, 2009

mY hoMe...

it'Z singApore'z bdAy todAy - 9tH augusT 2009. we terM it "nAtional dAy"...whiLe the stAtez terM herz az "independeNce dAy".

it'Z a treNd for locAl musiciAnz to write a "nAtional dAy sonG"....and for soooo mAny yeArz, i onlY remembeR one of the songZ:

"hoMe"....bY kiT chAn - the mAndarin versioN.

"hoMe"....bY kiT chAn - the englisH versioN.

wheN i tried to sinG alonG botH versionZ bAzed on tuNe and memorY....i reAlized i'M betteR @ the mAndarin versioN! somehoW i muZ hAve leArnt the mAndarin versioN insteAd of the englisH versioN mAny yeArz bAck...

it muZ hAve beeN durinG the tiMe befoRe i switcHed froM mAndarin poP to englisH poP....~10 yrZ bAck....did the switcH to improVe my englisH - yeZ...i thinK i leArnt moZ of my englisH from englisH poP songZ - unblivAble but i thinK so. hahAaa...

the trAnzlationz are not i herebY trAnzlate the mAndarin versioN - mY wAy:

"everytiMe i feeL losT...
i'lL looK bAck unconsciouzlY...
i knoW there'Z a plAce in my heArt - the plAce thAt wilL alwAyz hAve a lighT.
brighteninG everY dArkened heArt...
shininG and leAding my futuRe directionZ..
progressinG and sAiling alonG witH the riveR of life...
achievinG my dreAm~

mY hoMe...where i deposiT alL my feelingZ..
i onlY need a spArk of hoPe...
for mY dreAmz to flY freelY...

mY hoMe...gAve me a pAir of stronG wingZ..
no mAtter where my dreAmz are...
i'lL alwAyz loVe my hoMe...

i'lL neveR feeL losT agAin!
i'lL neveR looK bAck in dezpAir agAin!
bcuZ the littLe cAndle lighT withiN my heArt...
wilL elude zillionZ of brighT rAyz...
the citY wilL becoMe more prozperouZ...
and the worLd wilL be peAceful...
the riveR of life wilL guide uZ alonG...
and ouR dreAmz wilL all mAterialize..."

thiZ sonG iz especiAlly meAningful wheN i sinG it 10000 mileZ awAy on the otheR opposiTe end of eArth~

deArezt singApore - i mizZ youR kAtong lAksa, nanA currY, bedoK hAwker hokkieN mee...mArine pArade currY puff...kboX.....and everY nice food and awesoMe shoppinG plAce!!!!!!!

hAppy ???tH bdAy singApore... (oh ain'T i a pAtriot?!)

p.S.: interestinG thAt adAm'z bdAy fAllz so cloZe to nAtional dAy~ i mizZ beinG neAr hiM admirinG hiM plAy the soooO mAny differenT keyZ on the huGe orgAn sooooO swiftlY and continuouzlY eveN withouT lookinG @ hiZ muZic scrolL.....woW..kudoZ!!!! <3

Thursday, August 06, 2009

mAriah'z theMe...

"cAn't tAke thAt awAy" bY mAriah - trulY!

thiZ sonG alwAyz ringZ in mY miNd wheN i feeL -ity withiN me. >.<

shininG the <3lY lighT in me!