Sunday, August 09, 2009

mY hoMe...

it'Z singApore'z bdAy todAy - 9tH augusT 2009. we terM it "nAtional dAy"...whiLe the stAtez terM herz az "independeNce dAy".

it'Z a treNd for locAl musiciAnz to write a "nAtional dAy sonG"....and for soooo mAny yeArz, i onlY remembeR one of the songZ:

"hoMe"....bY kiT chAn - the mAndarin versioN.

"hoMe"....bY kiT chAn - the englisH versioN.

wheN i tried to sinG alonG botH versionZ bAzed on tuNe and memorY....i reAlized i'M betteR @ the mAndarin versioN! somehoW i muZ hAve leArnt the mAndarin versioN insteAd of the englisH versioN mAny yeArz bAck...

it muZ hAve beeN durinG the tiMe befoRe i switcHed froM mAndarin poP to englisH poP....~10 yrZ bAck....did the switcH to improVe my englisH - yeZ...i thinK i leArnt moZ of my englisH from englisH poP songZ - unblivAble but i thinK so. hahAaa...

the trAnzlationz are not i herebY trAnzlate the mAndarin versioN - mY wAy:

"everytiMe i feeL losT...
i'lL looK bAck unconsciouzlY...
i knoW there'Z a plAce in my heArt - the plAce thAt wilL alwAyz hAve a lighT.
brighteninG everY dArkened heArt...
shininG and leAding my futuRe directionZ..
progressinG and sAiling alonG witH the riveR of life...
achievinG my dreAm~

mY hoMe...where i deposiT alL my feelingZ..
i onlY need a spArk of hoPe...
for mY dreAmz to flY freelY...

mY hoMe...gAve me a pAir of stronG wingZ..
no mAtter where my dreAmz are...
i'lL alwAyz loVe my hoMe...

i'lL neveR feeL losT agAin!
i'lL neveR looK bAck in dezpAir agAin!
bcuZ the littLe cAndle lighT withiN my heArt...
wilL elude zillionZ of brighT rAyz...
the citY wilL becoMe more prozperouZ...
and the worLd wilL be peAceful...
the riveR of life wilL guide uZ alonG...
and ouR dreAmz wilL all mAterialize..."

thiZ sonG iz especiAlly meAningful wheN i sinG it 10000 mileZ awAy on the otheR opposiTe end of eArth~

deArezt singApore - i mizZ youR kAtong lAksa, nanA currY, bedoK hAwker hokkieN mee...mArine pArade currY puff...kboX.....and everY nice food and awesoMe shoppinG plAce!!!!!!!

hAppy ???tH bdAy singApore... (oh ain'T i a pAtriot?!)

p.S.: interestinG thAt adAm'z bdAy fAllz so cloZe to nAtional dAy~ i mizZ beinG neAr hiM admirinG hiM plAy the soooO mAny differenT keyZ on the huGe orgAn sooooO swiftlY and continuouzlY eveN withouT lookinG @ hiZ muZic scrolL.....woW..kudoZ!!!! <3


Blogger Vic Tan said...

Glad that u remember Singapore! Hee Hee! No SGeans celebrating there?

1:49 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

hahAaa heyZ zhZ! i do remembeR singApore....

actuAlly there'Z a nAtional dAy dinneR @ DC on 31sT julY....singAporeanz did try to orgAnize an outinG but i gAve it a mizZ. hahAaa...

mAybe next feW yeArz wheN i hAve a cAr then wilL driVe there loH....thinK it'Z annuAl~

you geT welL sooN~ ;)

9:08 AM  
Anonymous e-wen said...

Its 44th this year.. =)
and there was an international effort to gather all SIngaporeans whereever they are to recite the pldge together at 8:22pm, even the SCDF siren sounded at that time..anyway i guess that effort didn't reach the states...


10:55 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said... it'Z 44tH~ verY pAiseh....cuZ wheN foreignerZ asK me hoW old iz singApore (cuZ i alwAyz sAy i'M froM a verY younG nAtion), theN i don'T knoW how old singApore iz - my bAd~

and i did see thAt internAtional pledGe bAnner on the ndP websiTe, but......welL, i wAz sleepinG @ thAt tiMe so nevermiNd lAh - i replAce thAt witH me singinG "hoMe" in the lAb... ;P

11:29 AM  

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