Saturday, August 15, 2009

ponyo ponyo ponyO sakanA no kO~

"ponyo ponyo ponyO sakanA no kO~
aoi umI karA yAtte kitA~
ponyo ponyo ponyO fukura-andA~
manmAru onakA no onnA no kO~"

the cuTe jAp versioN of ponyo'Z theMe sonG!

sasuKe holdinG ponyO....hopinG she'Z oK...

sasuKe and ponyo'Z kizZ of trAnzfiguration!!!

thiZ movie iz simplY so imAginative and soooO cuTe!!

you hAve to wAtch it witH lotZ of imAgination - like a dreAm?

it'Z alL abouT mAgic, friendshiP, inexplicAble loVe, and fAmily love~

soooO glAd i choZe to wAtch it (i folloW my intuitioN!!) fAncy 3D or effectZ...buT plAin and nice 2D cArtoon~~~

it'Z totally wortH my cAsh....unlike the hArry potteR i wAtched ~2 weekZ bAck...duH. witH all the speciAl effectZ i don'T reAlly see the importAnce excepT teenAge puppY loVe dramA - sucH a disAppointment...and dumbledoRe died?!

and yeA....i would be nAgged az "sillY" agAin for roAming thiZ dAngerouz citY all aloNe alL the way to the cinemA....whicH iz liKe 0.5hrZ awAy...duH. but it'Z a nice theAtre beside the mArriot hoteL~ the nAgger wilL not know since he doezn'T reAd my bloG! ;P my defeNse, i thinK i've evolVed the brAvery to roAm and the knowledGe of whicH streetZ are of acceptAble wAlkability...

yeA, and i spotTed one g37 infinitI, one g35 infinitI and alSo two nissAn 350zzZ along my wAy...

ponyO iz sooooO adorAble~!!


Anonymous Loo Chin said...

Yup. Love this show a lot. Glad that you can watch this in the US.

2:40 AM  

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