Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 or 1..?

noW i'M awAke and i cAnnot get bAck to sleeP......i'lL usuAlly juZ wAke up in the middLe of the nighT abT 2 or sometimeZ 1 or 4 theN i juZ cAnnot returN bAck to dreAmland - whAt a fAntaztic deportAtion.

thoughT tonighT wilL be a sleeP througH siNce i drAnk quiTe aloT durinG the hAppy houR @ lAb juZ now...beN juZ initiAted a hAppy houR bcuZ he feelZ liKe we need one - cooL~

and todAy i reliveNed my loVe for flAvoured mAlt drinkZ (thinK iz liKe flAvoured vodkA)....lAst tiMe i uzed to loVe "stroBe"....noW it'Z sMirnoff ice:

adAm texTed me and i reAlized he'z in arkAnsas (1 houR bAckward froM me) for theze feW dAyz to atteNd hiZ guitArist friend'Z weddinG....but the ideA i got iz...@ our aGe of 25, thiZ period of our liveZ will be experieNced witH lotZ of friendZ gettinG mArried and hAving childreN - duH.

one of my clAzzmatez in colleGe (undergrAd) iz alreAdy mArried and recentlY had a chiLd!!

whY iz life simplY liKe thAt - groW up; get educAted; worK; dAte; mArry; hAve kidZ; groW youR kidZ; educAte kidZ; more worK; retiRe if possibLe; wAit to die.

iz thiZ a life cycLe or...a life viciouZ cycLe? i opT for the lAtter and chooZe to stoP thiZ cycLe and juZ be independAnt. pakpAk and makmAk kepT hypinG abouT thiZ isSue on webcAm everY sundAy - seriouzlY!!

mY life shouLd be: groW up; get educAted; geT moRe educAted; get az educAted az possbiLe; worK and onlY worK on whAt i wAnt; tAke cAre of my pArentz; leArn artiZtic skillZ thAt i alwAyz wAnted; be totAlly independAnt; enjoY whAtever i chooZe to do; theN die. hahAaa~

welL...for thoZe who plAn to get mArried - onlY mArry wheN you're suRe thAt you'Re witH the righT persoN. bcuZ the probAbility of meetinG and fAlling reciprocAlly trulY in loVe and theN hAving the chAnce to get mArried witH the righT persoN is essentiAlly zerO..

otherwiZe....juZ forgeT it.


p.S.: argH! i juZ reAlized sMirnoff ice contAinz cAffeine or some energY-givinG wondeR i woKe tonighT?!!


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