Thursday, August 13, 2009

deAd theN aliVe - in anotheR life.

a beAutiful azpirinG modeL (deB) died @ the sAme time az a heAvy supersmArt buzY lAwyer (jAne).

botH died.

jAne'z souL moVed on to the unknowN.

deb'Z souL moVed on...into the jAne'z bodY!!!


thiZ prettY much summArises an americAn serieZ thAt i'M sooooO into righT now...

some pArtz are touchinG and some pArtz simplY mAke me smiLe.

picT. froM mylifetiMe websiTe~

checK it ouT....righT now it onlY hAz 5 episodeZ and i thinK you cAn wAtch theM froM anywheRe in the worLd on the officiAl websiTe~


appArently, the theMe iz stilL - physicAl appeArance iz not'Z whAt inside you thAt allowZ you to loVe and hAve loVe thAt lastS foreveR. remindZ me to weigH myseLf twice a dAy to ensuRe i don'T drifT awAy froM my ideAl weighT of 58kG....and noW i'M beloW thAt!! ^o^

interestinG to liVe the life of anotheR...

buT i wilL stilL juZ wannA liVe my owN littLe life.

deAding and livinG...


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