Saturday, August 15, 2009

the peekinG suN...

wellmeierfArmz stoneworK - "peekinG suN"

the stormY cloudZ terrified the lovelY suN...
the suN hid up behiNd the teAring skY...shiverinG..

dezpiTe the angrY shoutingZ of the downpouR...
and the scAry scoldingZ of the thundeR..
a hAppy kiddy tuNe wAz sAng by the torrenT wAvez...

the hidinG suN heArd the tuNe..
and tooK a peeK froM up behiNd the unhAppy skY..
heR rAinbow rAyz instAntly coloRed the wAvez...
energizinG the wAvez to sinG more ferventlY...

the suN rAized heR liP corneR..attemptinG a smiLe at the wAvez...
buT the frowninG rAin and thundeR striKed onto the singinG wAvez...
breAking theiR vocAl wAvefrontz...

the hArmoniouz wAvez dizintegrAted into messY rippleZ..
the hAppy tuNe trAnzfigured into unsyncopAted crieZ...
the peekinG suN immediAtely becAme petrified...
and hid bAck up behiNd the melAncholic skY.

the storM cAlmed eventuAlly - for noW.
the rAindropz flooded every continenT - deAdly drowNed.
the wAter surfAce wAz cAlm - perfecT flAtnezz.
the thundeR losT itz voice - colorlezZ sileNce.
the peekinG suN teAred excessivelY in feAr - unwillinglY bliNded.

wheN wilL the wAvez chirP agAin?
wheN wilL the suN peeK agAin?
wilL the bliNded suN be abLe to peeK agAin?
perhApz she cAn seLf-unbliNd herseLf witH her rAinbow rAyz..?




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