Monday, August 10, 2009

~1sT yeAr anniversAry~

one yeAr ago - 10 auG 2008 - i tooK a brAve solitAry 10000-miLe flighT.....froM the islAnd of singApore to bAltimore (chArm citY) of mAryland, U.S.A....:

the vieW froM the domeztic flighT to bAltimore...froM chicAgo i thinK?

oH, i juZ clozed mY eyeZ and recAlled my fAmily (botH blood-relAted and geN beN) and deAr friendZ who cAme to the airporT to bid me fArewell.....of courZe not juZ thoZe who cAme to the airporT @ unGodly hourZ...buT alL who purpozelY stAyed up/woKe up to texT me and cAll me befoRe i enteRed the depArture gAte.....and alL who botheRed to meeT me befoRe i lefT... ;P

and of courZe mY two meimeiZ who tooK the mrT all the wAy froM juronG to bedoK on the afternooN befoRe i lefT to giVe me a liMe greeN collAge booK of alL photoZ they hAve of us/me....surpriZed they eveN scouRed througH alL (literAlly!!) my bloG entrieZ to get photoZ~~~ thAt speciAl fArewell meetinG @ Bedok burgeR kinG iz to avoid teArz @ the airporT.....kudoZ to weN-meI and huA-meI~!!

and...the finAl huG (whicH i wilL alwAyz feeL..) i gAve my nucleAr fAmily memberZ individuAlly - mY pakpAk, makmAk, zikziK, and gokgoK.....

i thAnk and mizZ everyoNe - trulY.

subwAy @ bwI airporT - mY 1sT dinneR eveR in bAltimore on 10 auG 2008...

afteR a yeAr of independeNce (or leArning to be...)....and lotZ of fuN cookinG vAriouz thingZ cuZ i'M the self-touTed alchY cHef....i mAde a fAntaztic dinneR for myseLf tonighT:

mY lovelY dinneR on 10 auG 2009~!!!!

mY anniversAry meAl: the focuZ shouLd be on the rectAngular thingieZ...thoZe are cuboid orgAnic koreAn tofu coAted witH a thiN lAyer of beAten egG (pAn fRied) - theY are amAzing!!! the shrimP flAvored flAt noodleZ (alsO knowN az mee poK) are grAvied witH honeY, oyzteR sAuce, ketchuP, sesAme oiL, and fRied shAllot; the cherrY tomAtoez froM the fArmer'z mArket are awesoMe!!! the resT are juZ itemZ to balAnce my meAl = romAine letTuce + bAby cArrotz + chickeN meAtballz~ strAwberry kiwI juice....and a bottLe of yeunglinG beeR compleTed the meAl~

hAving a wittY lAme nAture...todAy i woRe whAt i woRe exActly one yeAr agO - mY G2blu greeN short sleeVe shirT + sifS dArk browN cArgo + keeN bronX + mY itAlian try-chAnge metAllic glAsses (thougH i usuAlly weAr contActz now).....hmM, witH the additioN of the turtLe necklAce froM lAurie...juZ for fuN~ hahAaa..

adAm juZ texTed me nitez...and i repLied him tellinG hiM thAt one yeAr agO, i 1sT sAid "hi" froM bwI airporT wheN i cAlled hiM to mAke sure he'Z hoMe to receiVe me...and he repLied he rememberZ he juZ returNed froM a recitAl @ the beAutiful nAtional shriNe in D.C. and thuZ he couldn'T fetcH me....theN. enN. eventuAlly hiZ replY sAid it hAz beeN fuN and a pleAsure to knoW me - duH?! obviouzlY righT? hahAaa...

welL....mAny more solitAry independAnt dAyz to go~

hopefullY filLed witH mAny more unexpectAble fuN...?

good lucK to myseLf foR mY solitAry U.S.A. life journeY~ <3

p.S.: i seriouzlY need to re-boosT my optimizM whicH leAdz to my'Z trulY tougH righT noW buT it'Z all a stAte of miNd - mY miNd....juZ like blooM seArching for the drAgon fiRe withiN heR...hahAaa


Blogger Vic Tan said...

Yeah! 1 yr down! :)

12:14 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

hahAaa....zhZ~ i prefeR 1 yR uP~~~ moRe auzpiciouZ~ ;P

12:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If it is 1 yr up, then it must be rounding up wor.
Great that u r surviving well there! stay happy always!

10:00 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

hahAaa now no longeR cAn rouNd dowN to 20 alreAdy lAh...feelinG so unclisH~

i'M ok...surivinG...

thAnkz and you tAke good cAre too! ^o^

10:02 AM  
Anonymous e-wen said...

wow one year already...gosh...

it felt just like yesterday...

one less friend to "lame" around with...

really miss those days...

come back quick quick!!!

5:52 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

yAh loh yah loH.......i trulY mizZ lAming arouNd the lab witH you alL~!!!

buT now good alSo...liKe workinG and be seriouZ - yAh seriouzlY~

yupZ plAnning to be bAck cominG feB. for cnY~!! buT hAven't asKed mY bozZ yeT.....too eArly bAh...hahAaa~ ^O^

10:40 AM  

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