~1sT yeAr anniversAry~
one yeAr ago - 10 auG 2008 - i tooK a brAve solitAry 10000-miLe flighT.....froM the islAnd of singApore to bAltimore (chArm citY) of mAryland, U.S.A....:
the vieW froM the domeztic flighT to bAltimore...froM chicAgo i thinK?
oH, i juZ clozed mY eyeZ and recAlled my fAmily (botH blood-relAted and geN beN) and deAr friendZ who cAme to the airporT to bid me fArewell.....of courZe not juZ thoZe who cAme to the airporT @ unGodly hourZ...buT alL who purpozelY stAyed up/woKe up to texT me and cAll me befoRe i enteRed the depArture gAte.....and alL who botheRed to meeT me befoRe i lefT... ;P
and of courZe mY two meimeiZ who tooK the mrT all the wAy froM juronG to bedoK on the afternooN befoRe i lefT to giVe me a liMe greeN collAge booK of alL photoZ they hAve of us/me....surpriZed they eveN scouRed througH alL (literAlly!!) my bloG entrieZ to get photoZ~~~ thAt speciAl fArewell meetinG @ Bedok burgeR kinG iz to avoid teArz @ the airporT.....kudoZ to weN-meI and huA-meI~!!
and...the finAl huG (whicH i wilL alwAyz feeL..) i gAve my nucleAr fAmily memberZ individuAlly - mY pakpAk, makmAk, zikziK, and gokgoK.....
i thAnk and mizZ everyoNe - trulY.
subwAy @ bwI airporT - mY 1sT dinneR eveR in bAltimore on 10 auG 2008...
afteR a yeAr of independeNce (or leArning to be...)....and lotZ of fuN cookinG vAriouz thingZ cuZ i'M the self-touTed alchY cHef....i mAde a fAntaztic dinneR for myseLf tonighT:
mY lovelY dinneR on 10 auG 2009~!!!!
mY anniversAry meAl: the focuZ shouLd be on the rectAngular thingieZ...thoZe are cuboid orgAnic koreAn tofu coAted witH a thiN lAyer of beAten egG (pAn fRied) - theY are amAzing!!! the shrimP flAvored flAt noodleZ (alsO knowN az mee poK) are grAvied witH honeY, oyzteR sAuce, ketchuP, sesAme oiL, and fRied shAllot; the cherrY tomAtoez froM the fArmer'z mArket are awesoMe!!! the resT are juZ itemZ to balAnce my meAl = romAine letTuce + bAby cArrotz + chickeN meAtballz~ strAwberry kiwI juice....and a bottLe of yeunglinG beeR compleTed the meAl~
hAving a wittY lAme nAture...todAy i woRe whAt i woRe exActly one yeAr agO - mY G2blu greeN short sleeVe shirT + sifS dArk browN cArgo + keeN bronX + mY itAlian try-chAnge metAllic glAsses (thougH i usuAlly weAr contActz now).....hmM, witH the additioN of the turtLe necklAce froM lAurie...juZ for fuN~ hahAaa..
adAm juZ texTed me nitez...and i repLied him tellinG hiM thAt one yeAr agO, i 1sT sAid "hi" froM bwI airporT wheN i cAlled hiM to mAke sure he'Z hoMe to receiVe me...and he repLied he rememberZ he juZ returNed froM a recitAl @ the beAutiful nAtional shriNe in D.C. and thuZ he couldn'T fetcH me....theN. enN. eventuAlly hiZ replY sAid it hAz beeN fuN and a pleAsure to knoW me - duH?! obviouzlY righT? hahAaa...
welL....mAny more solitAry independAnt dAyz to go~
hopefullY filLed witH mAny more unexpectAble fuN...?
good lucK to myseLf foR mY solitAry U.S.A. life journeY~ <3
p.S.: i seriouzlY need to re-boosT my optimizM whicH leAdz to my cheerfulnezZ...it'Z trulY tougH righT noW buT it'Z all a stAte of miNd - mY miNd....juZ like blooM seArching for the drAgon fiRe withiN heR...hahAaa
the vieW froM the domeztic flighT to bAltimore...froM chicAgo i thinK?
oH, i juZ clozed mY eyeZ and recAlled my fAmily (botH blood-relAted and geN beN) and deAr friendZ who cAme to the airporT to bid me fArewell.....of courZe not juZ thoZe who cAme to the airporT @ unGodly hourZ...buT alL who purpozelY stAyed up/woKe up to texT me and cAll me befoRe i enteRed the depArture gAte.....and alL who botheRed to meeT me befoRe i lefT... ;P
and of courZe mY two meimeiZ who tooK the mrT all the wAy froM juronG to bedoK on the afternooN befoRe i lefT to giVe me a liMe greeN collAge booK of alL photoZ they hAve of us/me....surpriZed they eveN scouRed througH alL (literAlly!!) my bloG entrieZ to get photoZ~~~ thAt speciAl fArewell meetinG @ Bedok burgeR kinG iz to avoid teArz @ the airporT.....kudoZ to weN-meI and huA-meI~!!
and...the finAl huG (whicH i wilL alwAyz feeL..) i gAve my nucleAr fAmily memberZ individuAlly - mY pakpAk, makmAk, zikziK, and gokgoK.....
i thAnk and mizZ everyoNe - trulY.
subwAy @ bwI airporT - mY 1sT dinneR eveR in bAltimore on 10 auG 2008...
afteR a yeAr of independeNce (or leArning to be...)....and lotZ of fuN cookinG vAriouz thingZ cuZ i'M the self-touTed alchY cHef....i mAde a fAntaztic dinneR for myseLf tonighT:
mY lovelY dinneR on 10 auG 2009~!!!!
mY anniversAry meAl: the focuZ shouLd be on the rectAngular thingieZ...thoZe are cuboid orgAnic koreAn tofu coAted witH a thiN lAyer of beAten egG (pAn fRied) - theY are amAzing!!! the shrimP flAvored flAt noodleZ (alsO knowN az mee poK) are grAvied witH honeY, oyzteR sAuce, ketchuP, sesAme oiL, and fRied shAllot; the cherrY tomAtoez froM the fArmer'z mArket are awesoMe!!! the resT are juZ itemZ to balAnce my meAl = romAine letTuce + bAby cArrotz + chickeN meAtballz~ strAwberry kiwI juice....and a bottLe of yeunglinG beeR compleTed the meAl~
hAving a wittY lAme nAture...todAy i woRe whAt i woRe exActly one yeAr agO - mY G2blu greeN short sleeVe shirT + sifS dArk browN cArgo + keeN bronX + mY itAlian try-chAnge metAllic glAsses (thougH i usuAlly weAr contActz now).....hmM, witH the additioN of the turtLe necklAce froM lAurie...juZ for fuN~ hahAaa..
adAm juZ texTed me nitez...and i repLied him tellinG hiM thAt one yeAr agO, i 1sT sAid "hi" froM bwI airporT wheN i cAlled hiM to mAke sure he'Z hoMe to receiVe me...and he repLied he rememberZ he juZ returNed froM a recitAl @ the beAutiful nAtional shriNe in D.C. and thuZ he couldn'T fetcH me....theN. enN. eventuAlly hiZ replY sAid it hAz beeN fuN and a pleAsure to knoW me - duH?! obviouzlY righT? hahAaa...
welL....mAny more solitAry independAnt dAyz to go~
hopefullY filLed witH mAny more unexpectAble fuN...?
good lucK to myseLf foR mY solitAry U.S.A. life journeY~ <3
p.S.: i seriouzlY need to re-boosT my optimizM whicH leAdz to my cheerfulnezZ...it'Z trulY tougH righT noW buT it'Z all a stAte of miNd - mY miNd....juZ like blooM seArching for the drAgon fiRe withiN heR...hahAaa
Yeah! 1 yr down! :)
hahAaa....zhZ~ i prefeR 1 yR uP~~~ moRe auzpiciouZ~ ;P
If it is 1 yr up, then it must be rounding up wor.
Great that u r surviving well there! stay happy always!
hahAaa now no longeR cAn rouNd dowN to 20 alreAdy lAh...feelinG so unclisH~
i'M ok...surivinG...
thAnkz and you tAke good cAre too! ^o^
wow one year already...gosh...
it felt just like yesterday...
one less friend to "lame" around with...
really miss those days...
come back quick quick!!!
yAh loh yah loH.......i trulY mizZ lAming arouNd the lab witH you alL~!!!
buT now good alSo...liKe workinG and be seriouZ - yAh seriouzlY~
yupZ plAnning to be bAck cominG feB. for cnY~!! buT hAven't asKed mY bozZ yeT.....too eArly bAh...hahAaa~ ^O^
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