Saturday, August 15, 2009

fAst, and fAr.

"to go fAst, go aloNe. to go fAr, go togetheR."

thiZ iz a quoTe i remembeR froM a fAculty presentAtion eArlier iz logicAl and it mAkez seNze...somehoW.

it'Z liKe wAlking.

wheN you wAlk'Z obviouZ youR speed iz lotzzZ fAster thAn wAlking witH a grouP of peopLe wheRe you hAve to sloW dowN mosT of the tiMe to be poliTe and not drifT awAy.....duH.

buT of courZe wheN the grouP iz a wonderfuL grouP of pAlz theN you won'T eveN cAre abouT how sloW the wAlking iz.... ;)

i totAlly agree witH the 1sT abLe persoN wilL definitelY go fAster wheN aloNe.

howeveR, for the secoNd dependZ on the membeR quAlity and siZe of the grouP......if soMe memberZ sucK and theRe are too mAny peopLe...progrezZ slowZ dowN and the grouP mAy not go fAr and becoMe stAgnant and eveN deteriorAte.

thuZ, to be abLe to go fAr and relAtively fAst togetheR....i thinK the grouP siZe hAz to be limiTed, and onlY limiTed to abLe peopLe.

mAkez senZe? helL yeA...


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