Wednesday, August 12, 2009

it'Z too expensiVe to be ilL (and die).

wAz chAtting with beN and grAce in the eveninG juZ now....

and i reAlized a fAct froM our conversAtion - it'Z too expensive to the ICU.


bcuZ one dAy in the ICU costZ whAt i eArn in a yeAr......

izn'T it crAzy? helL yeA...

doeZ it mAke senZe? helL no...

die......get iT? the red signifieZ bLood and deAth; 3 + 5 + 6 = 14......which slurZ to be "suRe die" wheN pronouNced in cAntoneze!!

buT dR. Li provided a solutioN whiLe we drAnk yeunglinG befoRe dininG......he sAid he oNce hAd a pAtient who stAted in heR wilL NOT to seNd her to the ICU for intensiVe revivAl...juZ let heR die. so he prActically looked aT her pAzz awAy and hAd to confirM her deAth befoRe the officiAl annouNcement of heR deAth.

welL....i'M in the lAnd of the fRee and the lAnd of the brAve~

i cAn't afford to die in the ICU.


Anonymous e-wen said...

i guess not all admitted to ICU will die, some recover. so its really sad how they are going to be in shitload of debt for the rest of their healthy lives.

I bet u should say its too expensive to be sick than dead, imagine getting into a freak car accident and being pronounced dead on the spot, that's cheap...

well actually not so cheap if u're in singapore where land is scarce, ur burial "lot" is expensive too, unless u opt for sea burial? haha...

lol...there goes a chinese saying, can die cannot sick!

5:48 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said... mAde a verY good poinT!! yeA, my'Z not die but sicK....actuallY, should be "sicK and on the wAy to die"...

it'Z true thAt not all admitTed to ICU will'Z the ICU aim to sAve alL senT to ICU...mY bAd for givinG thAt mizleAding msG...

buT soMe pAtientz are appArently not gonnA liVe...and if theY begiN dyinG in ICU....theN it'Z expensiVe. thAt'z whAt i meAnt...and the debT wilL be reflecTed on theiR fAmiliez IF theiR heAlth insurAnce find a vAlid wAy not to coveR thAt exteNded ICU fee. >.<

and yeA, i wilL requesT for seA buriAl cuZ i loVe the seA. ;)

i'Z not juZ expensiVe to be sicK...........but sAd and unworthY and unfAir and kindA dizgustinG! so i wouLd rAther die hahAaa...aiyO, i shuLd stop commentinG alonG thiZ line...

sorrY for not beinG cleAr...and thAnkz! i shAll ameNd my bloG entry'Z titLe!

thAnkz for reAding and leAving constructiVe commentZ!

10:34 AM  

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