thiZ iz trulY a noveL chineZe lunAr new yeAr (clnY) - mY 25tH clnY...
usuAlly, for the pAzt yeArz....i wouLd hAve reunioN dinneR witH my nucleAr fAmily tonighT (clnY eVe), and theN.......the nexT dAy oNce i wAke uP...whicH iz the firsT dAy of the nexT lunAr cAlendar yeAr, the firsT thinG i wouLd do iz to greeT mY pArentz and wisH theM hAppy clnY and alSo wisH theM heAlth and hAppinezz......
buT thiZ yeAr, i'M aloNe heRe in the stAtez, and i aM unabLe to be arouNd any of my fAmily memberZ...i wAz apologizinG yezterdAy on webcAm especiAlly to mY pArentz for mY physicAl abseNce...and i stilL wisHed theM heAlth and hAppinezz...and hoPe theY wilL hAve a sAfe and enjoyAble mAcau holidAy!!!
througH the conversAtion, i felT teArz wellinG in mY eyeZ buT stilL i heLd bAck the teArz............i'M so sillY to crY, buT i cAn't helP it thougH...mY pArentz and brotheR lAughed wheN i toLd theM i felT liKe cryinG....
adAm cAlled juZ to checK on me (yeA, me stilL sAfe and aliVe in the perilouZ bAltimore~) yezterdAy nighT....and i toLd hiM abouT mY kindA teAry webcAm sessioN....hahAaa...yeA he empAthized...don'T thinK americAnz knoW abouT the clnY....cuZ it'Z not a holidAy heRe...
anywAyz, it'Z rAre and impossibLe for me to crY cuZ mY teAr glAndz dried wheN i wAz abouT if i eveR crY oveR somethinG, it'Z trulY somethinG cruciAl....and (fAMily) loVe lureZ my teArz out of mY teAry vAult succezzfullY...
okAi, enougH dosAge of mY sentimentAl teArz...i mAintained the trAdition of plAnning to weAr a whoLe new seT of clotheZ for the 1sT dAy of clnY~!!!!
theZe are whAt i sAfekept froM my fuN shoppinG spreezzZ:
cAlvin kleiN pAntz witH belT...buffAlo dAvid bittoN buttoN shirT...niKe fit drY t-shirT...poLo boxerZ...fruiT of the looM t-shirT...clubmAn underweAr (froM my lAbberz!)...i hAve new sockZ and neW bedrooM slipperZ (froM muM) too~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
aH...anotheR clnY trAdition i'M gonnA mizZ ouT iz mY annuAl steAmboat witH my aztrogAng = geN beN fAmily!!!!! i mizZ theM so mucH.....i'Ve receiVed msgeS on tAgboard and fAcebook thAt i'M beinG mizzed too! hahAa....mY supeR lAme crAppinezz....thAnkz!!!!
do enjoY yourselveZ to the fullezT - botH psychologicAlly and stomAchly~!!! ^O^
oH....anotheR trAdition iz to visiT mdM teow'Z (equivAlent to conZ and cheZ) houZe! wilL mizZ thAt out too.....and the fAbulouz food nice gloriA cookZ.......thiZ iz liKe a reunioN witH dhZ and zhZ and sometimeZ nanA and wO tAy too - mY nS buddieZ!!
lAstly....i'M glAd i'M gonnA joiN in thiZ singAporean steAmboat clnY reunioN dinneR lAter! thAnk God i don'T hAve to eAt mY reunioN dinneR aloNe.......i shAll trY to cooK an appLe honeY chickeN currY disH and brinG alonG~
meAnwhile...i cleAned my bAthroom *clApzzZ* and wilL cleAn my bedrooM too!! lAundrying my bedsheeT and comforteR noW...and i shAll decorAte my ceilinG witH luminouZ stArz too~!!!!
hAppy oxY neW yeAr~!!
hAppy clnY...witH smileZ... ^.^ ^o^ ^O^
and mAy all be welL and hAppy...and sAfe... _/\_
illZ w.h.Y?